Good idea; posted there now. Dunno the steps on community transferring but I’m looking to do that with a few pages; least so my own irl stuff doesn’t stop a community dead in it’s tracks.
Just someone who likes artwork, open source technology, and cute bunnies.
I’m also on Lemmy.ml and Beehaw
Good idea; posted there now. Dunno the steps on community transferring but I’m looking to do that with a few pages; least so my own irl stuff doesn’t stop a community dead in it’s tracks.
Approved. Not to my knowledge but if you have any experience modding communities on places like reddit or discord I don’t imagine it’s too dissimilar. Mostly just look at the guidelines and act on reports of trolling, spam, harassment, the usual.
Approved. If you need some guidance then shoot a message and lemme know, I’m not the best by a long shot but I can give it my best.
I’m intending to stay, barring poking in and seein if there’s any extra niche communities that could fit at home here (there’s a good few cat ones), I wiped my accounts and am currently waiting on a data request export. Once I can get that then I’m wiping my accounts and not turning back.
Reddit going to shit was the final piece of the puzzle all along, whoda thought?
Alternatively, !lostmedia@lemmy.world
Haven’t fully left yet, just waiting for data request exports to come in then I’m out since I already got the communities I’m in setup and wiped my posts, but pretty much what you’d expect.
I used Infinity as opposed to Apollo but same idea applies, I only ever used that or old.reddit, never the new site, so those going away was already a deal breaker for me, but their recent actions beyond that just further motivated me to go full speed ahead on this.
I’m still lurking in case of any interesting communities that could go here, I spotted about 5 different cat sub’s I can list for that, and I’m still waiting on my data to get sent over, but after that then I’m gone for good.
Well good news for you. tuckedinkitties
Approved. I’m also looking to step down on my end given irl issues, so I’m also lookin to see about a community transfer.