Beautiful lighting! How do you like the XE4? I’ve been looking to get one myself, love Fujis.
Thank you so much! I’ve only ever seen the green guys myself until this one came by. Definitely the most vibrant bird I’ve ever seen.
I appreciate you, thank you!
I brightened the pic up in Lightroom for my own aesthetic purposes, but I don’t think I went overboard personally. The branch is actually a dried tip of a succulent so maybe that’s where you’re seeing coloration? Here’s another shot, unedited and zoomed out a little more.
Y’all are fucking harsh, damn. I just wanted to share my photography. It’s edited in Lightroom for lighting, but the colors are real. Here is the unedited version.
I took this in my back patio actually. I live in the Palm springs area. There are at least 3 of them total that live in my condo complex.
I mean it’s edited in Lightroom, but just lighting. The colors are not altered. Here’s the raw so you can compare.
Not photoshopped, just edited in Lightroom. Here’s the raw. It really looks like that.
I shoot with a Fujifilm X-T20 camera body. Took this using my XF 70-300 lens.
Isn’t this supposed to be no stupid questions?
No it was in Vallarta during last year’s rainy season. We were getting some wicked clouds here in socal before that storm