I really want the S5 set, and the S1 poster.
Not really sold on a full set at the moment.
I really want the S5 set, and the S1 poster.
Not really sold on a full set at the moment.
This is why minorities are a prime scape goat for politicians.
Why be mad at some faceless corporation/politician, when you can blame the world’s issues on Garry that you see in the supermarket?
If we go by the gap between Strange New Worlds beginning filming, and S1’s release, we could see Academy around November of next year.
I feel like Dennis the buffer buff from the Lower Decks S3 Premiere was intended to be O’Brien, (Transporter enthusiast, war veteran) but for whatever reason it didn’t pan out…
… which I honestly felt worked out for the best. Dennis was like my grandpa.
Dude, you’re missing out then. I was dubious going in, but Time Lord Wesley was the absolute delight I didn’t know I needed. Wheaton’s performance was probably leagues better than in TNG.
Is that last one granting access to closed APIs?
That’s a double edged sword if I ever heard one.
Not impossible. Freeman was effectively the villain for S1 of Lower Decks, despite clearly being one of the good guys.
And Prodigy demonstrates how a personal vendetta can net some kids a nemesis, despite largely minding their own business.
I would recommend looking into a USB Ethernet adapter.
Star Fox tends to launch at the end of a console’s life… so there’s that maybe.
Sakurai has been up to something… probably the next Smash, but I can always dream it’s a new or even remade Kid Icarus.
And probably some last minute WiiU ports.
Metroid Prime 4 is probably too high profile to leave to the switch… (and Mario hasn’t had a launch title since the N64, maybe GCN at a stretch) but they could always pull a Twilight Princess I suppose.
This is a large reason why I dreaded Apple making iOS apps a priority for the Mac. Everything wrong about the mobile model becomes a first class citizen.
Yeah… there were a bunch of issues with the Virtual Boy.
A Sudo 3D experience on hardware that couldn’t handle 3D graphics, needed to be setup on a table, and a color palette that made the GameBoy seem high fidelity, never mind the red was horrid to stare at for too long.
It really was ahead of its time… in all the wrong ways.
I suspect, nothing less than Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft going all in on their next generation console would be enough to bring VR mainstream. As in, the VR being the primary way to play.
Of the three, I can’t see Sony or Microsoft doing it.
Maybe Nintendo, as doing weird stuff is kinda their thing, but even that’s doubtful.
This is specific to the videogame-ish sub-genre, mostly Isakeis…
But you go out of the way to include RPG mechanics into your story… but the only real influence it has on the storytelling is spending an inordinate amount of time grinding… a mechanic explicitly added to RPGs to pad the game.
There are good video game based stories, Survival Story of a Sword King and Dungeon Reset both immediately come to mind… but I feel like this is a widespread problem.
They’re all beautiful shots, but something about them doesn’t leave me curious about their contexts. I wish I could articulate it better….
Like maybe it’s not enough of a tease?
Or maybe that you could’ve told me most of those shots were from S4 and I wouldn’t question it?
Or the lack of a contextual caption maybe?
Lethe. That’s who I was thinking of. Like Cornwell was Lethe before she became Lethe.
Wasn’t Cornwell based on a character from TOS, specifically with the same name as an episode title in DIS?
I always felt there was the intent to kill her off, (even before the S2 finale) only to bring her back as an incomplete being.
If this is a joke, it’s going over my head. But as I understand it:
Geek: Socially Acceptable, Really smart about a particular topic, or in general. Nerd: Socially awkward, really smart about a topic or in general. Dork: Socially awkward, not especially bright.
Maybe maybe not? At the very least least it tells us where Carl dropped Georgiou off.
Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan in Freaky Friday
As a fan of mysteries, my mind tends to clasp onto details that writers felt important enough to mention, but had no bearing on the plot up to this point.
The fact that the ship Tendi recovered was a “medical frigate” triggered such an alarm in my head. Yes the ship was able to gas the Blue Orions, but that’s hardly a feature unique to medical ships.
We Know:
I think we’re being prepped for the main cast to go their separate ways, not unlike the DS9 finale.
We’ve had some foreshadowing with Freeman and Starbase 80. I wonder if the finale might end with her being posted there, as an admiral. Fix it up, that sort of thing, rather than an exile.