But from the perspective of someone at the top of the stairs, wouldn’t it be the radical right?
But from the perspective of someone at the top of the stairs, wouldn’t it be the radical right?
Does anyone else see “removed” in this comment? Is the instance editing comments to censor certain words or is it just the user?
Just gotta make sure you also excersize so your muscles don’t atrophy.
Wait, then actual evidence becomes useless!
Basically same as N I think since tweets have a max size.
Nyan Cat, but different
Still in alpha and the source code is not public yet, but full release is September at the latest I think.
I mean, machine learning can theoretically approximate any computable function given enough time and resources…
Theres also GrayJay, its pretty new tho
but are the silly voices thinking demselvs?
are we silly voices?
wat is silly voices?
oh gOd i caNt StoP thINKiNg hALP
I wish them luck with that!
Wait, what is the difference in pronunciation for θeɪ vs ðeɪ?