2 years agoHaha not quite. It was a fandomly generated gamer tag for games for windows live when I was young. Somehow I remembered it and it just sorta stuck lol
Haha not quite. It was a fandomly generated gamer tag for games for windows live when I was young. Somehow I remembered it and it just sorta stuck lol
Actually not sure ay. I’ve been intimate with a big variety of people, but I still feel odd trying to label it. I definately lean closer to straight than anything else, but i dunno
r/sorceryofthespectacle Absolute schizposting by the weirdest degenerates I’ve ever met. Sometimes they make me laugh, and sometimes they are quite profound. Often though its amphetamine/psychosis/C-PhilosophyDegree fueled rants.
Haha bless. Well Nina is a nice name to be sure. Glad microsoft didnt get the chance to replace your identity :)