uses postmaket os so no f-droid and fossdroid
uses postmaket os so no f-droid and fossdroid
Das System sagt ich will das aber ich will das nicht
you should be able to undo or remove all with “Super + Shift + F12” or " Super + Shift + F11"
Altes Lager, Neues Lager und die Kiffer im Sumpf
i tried different drivers, nothing helps have reported the but to blender, seems like some other user has the same problem
This picture confuses me, where is the banana for the scale? using an other instance from this list works realy fine for me
for piped i just use an other host from that list and it works totaly fine
just use NewPipe and you can stream and download privacy frendly and legal for free
have you ever used waydroid on postmarket os on an actual mobile device? In my experience it is possible but pretty slow, not good for the battery in day to day use but maybe my device was just to weak