would you mind sharing those ppl?
would you mind sharing those ppl?
@wreckedcarzz @Zelaf got #seafile ?
@e8d79 which alternative is that?
thanks for sharing!really appreciate it,since finishing blood dragon,recently.and now deciding,which to go on with:Riders Republic,uncharted2,fc4,tlou:part2…
does the4,mentioned by you,provide enugh long.term.motivation for staying hooked and going onwith it,over the others?
think so,too
got it!thanks a bunch!!
if boosted,where can it be found for-later?
what does it do,in comparison to favoring?and where can it be found for-later,if boosted?
got it!thanks a bunch!!
has not development for *d almost stopped,without any innovation anymore?
thanks a bunch,guys!this really helps!!
thanks a bunch,guys!this really helps!!
we are getting there.community is found through #kbin now,with instructions provided.thanks for that!!but content of community,such as threads are not displayed within #kbin. also owner of community within #kbin appears to be some guy named ernest,which according to the original source of community on lemmy,is aboslutely not true,so how can we get the content of a community from lemmy,to be shown within #kbin , especiall if the community from lemmy,is already found through #kbin ?
what instances of joplin are available,within fediverse?