You quit during the tutorial :-)
You quit during the tutorial :-)
Oh right and the power up that gave it to you was a leaf
Pretty sure it’s the feather power up from Mario 3 that lets you fly
You can only beat the game via genocide route
Whether pro or anti unclear. Must investigate further.
STFU Rorschach u little bitch
When you say something controversial and people push back
If you like deck building, Dominion is one of my favorite board games. You build your deck along the course of the game and every game you choose 10 different card types to have available to players so each game is a little different depending on which cards are in play. There are a few expansions that add some cards that have really interesting mechanics.
Second the recommendation of Love Letter as a fantastic quick/casual game. Another one in a somewhat similar vein is Skulls which I think is up to 5 or 6 player and is a dead simple but really fun bluffing card game
Oh! I feel it…
I feel the cosmos
So basically Elon Musk
Some of it was pushed but a good large quantity of people joined in on it.
Isn’t that basically the definition of astroturfing?
I’ve read your original comment like 6 times and it sounds like you’re saying the most “in your face” clue that Starship was about fascism was that they were able to take coed showers without it being a big deal? But that doesn’t make sense so I’m sure that’s not it. But I can’t figure out how to read it any other way
Dead Cells is the only game that has come close to scratching the same itch that SOTN did for me