So you think anyone who dislikes the Democratic party or leftist politics is automatically a Nazi? That’s a pretty funny definition of Nazi you have there
So you think anyone who dislikes the Democratic party or leftist politics is automatically a Nazi? That’s a pretty funny definition of Nazi you have there
The injustices and historical oppression of minorities resulted in an economic situation less favorable than the majority. To treat the two groups equally, we must first restore the socio-economic situation to a point of equity, which necessarily involves helping those who were previously held back.
You seem to be implying that blacks need to be “lifted up”. I disagree. One’s economic situation is completely separate from one’s skin color. And there are people of all skin colors that can be found in each socioeconomic stratum. I don’t see that all black people as unsuccessful or incapable.
Furthermore, since I know others will likely bring up the slavery argument; I’ll just go ahead and say that I find that a bit lazy. No one living in the United States today was ever personally enslaved by US citizens under the protection of the law. All of that happened literally over a century ago. And that’s not even getting into the fact that practically every region on every continent had some form of slavery at some point in history or that the US slave trade was largely the result of other blacks selling competing tribes into slavery.
There are poor people of all skin colors. If merit-based selections (e.g. for work, education, government programs, etc) are not going to be used, then selections based on income, quality of life, and similar factors seem a lot more fair to me and would equally lift up impoverished blacks, asians, whites, hispanics, etc.
Some have also made the argument that lifting blacks up is insulting to them as it implies that they can’t do so on their own merits and also conditions them toward expecting things to be handed out rather than fairly earned. Take that same sentiment and consider it for any other race. Many people from other races would also be insulted by the implication that they aren’t as good. Yes, you will have people from every single race that are just freeloaders and want things with no effort. But those are not the successful people that push society forward. For the best people in society are the ones that work hard and strive to improve things not just for themselves but for others as well.
Only then can we begin treating both groups equally, when everyone starts at the same level.
The problem is that we think there are groups in the first place. We’re all just human. Like I said before, programs can be tailored to uplift all humans that have economic disparity. Picking a group based on skin color and giving them help because they are a poor + a specific skin color when there are other poor people who are not is just going to create resentment towards the people that got an unfair advantage and the cycle will continue indefinitely.
minorities were repressed for over 2 centuries
See above regarding who sold minorities into slavery. If you don’t mean blacks specifically, I would also like to point out that everyone else who came to the US, with the exception of native Americans, started off more of less the same: you had some of each race who were wealthy, some who were not. Are there whites that are wealthy? Yes. Does that mean all whites are wealthy? No. It is the same for any other race. The concept that a nation has to be ethnically diverse is an artificial construct and one that is fairly recent to history. Even Europe a few decades ago was not very racially or ethnically diverse to the degree that the US was at the same time.
We talking about Biden or Trump? I definitely believe Biden did the crimes people have been accusing him of and that he is obviously trying to subvert democracy.
Like for instance, if he was actually concerned about Trump having broken laws, why not bring this stuff up in one of the multiple YEARS immediately after taking office… but nope, instead, it starts up right before election season.
Yeah, totally not trying to use his position as acting president to subvert his political opponent. /s
well I haven’t liked Disney for a long ass time but it’s truly become symbolic of trash lately
pot, kettle: black. you can’t imagine how hilarious it is to me for you to essentially be bitching about me posting a different set of ideas here while simultaneously talking about me having an echo chamber.
seriously, thanks for the lols guy
funny thing is, you had it right the first time.
i know everyone here is probably like “omg he doesn’t like democrats, he must be a conservative”. don’t get me wrong, if the only choices i get are biden and trump, yeah, i’m going to vote trump… but if we had anyone else with a half decent shot that wasn’t democrat or republican, i’m all for it
well, i have to confess, what with you being a bot and all, i don’t really take you all that seriously… 😘 😂
don’t forget netflix
nobody stopping you from using lemmy’s built in block. kinda funny how you can say ‘fuck off’ to me without repercussion but i’m sure anyone with my views saying the same back would be banned. fragile much?
ah yes, you would like to ban me for not breaking any rules but having a different opinion. pretty funny when you stop and consider how fragile that makes you seem. 😘
i have one. i’m just not triggered so easily lol
funny how if you guys do personal insults, it’s no problem, but if I were to offer insults back, it would be a bannable offense. almost like you can’t handle the truth lol
actually, republicans historically have been against slavery… historically, the democratic party was the one that was all for slavery.
'm not making this shit up. you can look on wikipedia and i think there was even a post on stackexchange about it.
yes, best economy ever with excellent rent, fuel, grocery costs and great wages /s
why, I’m not breaking any rules and you already have the ability to block posts by me built into lemmy itself… sounds like you just want to censor anything you personally disagree with. which is pretty funny ngl
Not breaking any rules, so…
Only when quoting your mom 😘
I’m not breaking any rules, so I think I’ll pass 👍
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 😂