I love that your cat’s name is Mildew!
I love that your cat’s name is Mildew!
It would be neat to have a community where images are posted and people discuss whether they are authentic photos or AI generated.
Brachiosaurus is my guy
Top 0.001% of listeners (11.9 million) for ELO with 27,261 minutes. I think I have a problem.
For me it’s “is there a possibility the dirt is poisoned?” (Phase Is) and “is the dirt poisoned enough that you have to do something about it?”
Oh wow, you explained how I feel about vyvanse so well! It gets me to start tasks (the correct tasks) and focus a little better, but I’m still scatterbrained.
My biggest issue is evenings, when it wears off I am unmotivated and useless. If feel sad that I take the medication and it helps for work hours only.