And where car manufacturers literally buy up public transportation companies and run them into the ground.
And where car manufacturers literally buy up public transportation companies and run them into the ground.
Haha, I took this post as motivation to finally use up those frozen bananas I had. Now I have banana bread muffins in my freezer instead. It’s a good upgrade if you ask me.
Make banana bread for friends or neighbors?
The orange cat stereotype is just too true.
The red cross doesn’t exclude donors if they use cannabis. I don’t think it matters to other organizations either.
His comment would be just as weird if he had made it towards girls or young women…
In the same vein, Sea of Stars.
Europe is going down the drain copying all the worst parts of US culture: anti-woke culture war bullshit, voting for increasingly fascist parties, obsession with individual wealth and status symbols (I.e. big trucks)… I wish there was a way to stop it, but it seems everyone is either participating or just shrugging their shoulders. At this point, I’m just glad I don’t have kids who will have to live in this reality.
It’s nice when you’re wearing tight pants/ trousers. With a thong, there’s less chance of underwear bunching up and causing extra wrinkles and lines on the outer layer.
I can even imagine that some household chores can be done while “actively” working, like when you’re in a call and just listening to the other parties.
Something the OOP also forgets to take into account is that a LOT of pregnancies fail. Especially in the early stages, before the pregnant person even knows that they’re having a miscarriage.
Alrighty then 👍
There’s tons of different kinds of bread, cheese, deli meat, spreads, nuts, fruit and vegetables that you can easily make a different combination every day for a while. And you could pack a lunchbox that is enough to feed you for the day and leave leftovers at home.
I think exercise is helpful to everyone who experiences stressful or frustrating situations regularly. Our bodies are still built for fight or flight responses, and physical exertion helps get rid of that stress response.
Streets usually have a higher density of residential buildings and stores along them, while roads connect between the populated areas, and typically lead through mountains, fields or forests.
It may be the exact moment that the horse tears open a bag of grain, spilling it’s contents. Not sure though.
That’s the tricky thing with biases, right? They’re formed by our experiences. My experience interacting with vegans has clearly been different from yours, so that may explain why you would think I’m denying reality. Anyway, I hope you can keep an open mind when talking to vegans who use the word carnist. Not all of them are bigots :)
Or maybe your opinion on what the term means is influenced by your biases about what vegans are like and act like towards carnists? If you interact with vegans on a friendly basis rather than assuming that they’re trying to insult you or that they’re calling your choices morally repugnant, you may find that it’soften used descriptively rather than to pass judgement. I have personally seen the term used neutrally more often than I’ve seen it used insultingly. It was also not coined as a slur: by the way, Melany Joy was describing exactly what you mentioned: The pervasiveness of carnism, which makes it an unconscious automatism for many people.
Veganism is an -ism as well. You’re getting worked up about a term that, at its core, just means that a person believes it is normal, natural and necessary to eat animals and animal products. Omnivore on the other hand means that you are able to digest and eat all kinds of food. If someone calls you a carnist, then the word itself is about as insulting as using “vegan” to describe vegans. Whatever derogatory meaning “evangelical” vegans put behind it is inferred from context or tone, not the word itself.
Especially in the US where people drive everywhere more often than not. Keep a small trash bag in your car, empty it when you get home.