Federal convicted, so a guy burning one at the national Park. State charges still stick. Honesty what world do you live in that you think this is enough?
Federal convicted, so a guy burning one at the national Park. State charges still stick. Honesty what world do you live in that you think this is enough?
VPN . And argh?
Also no he didn’t.
Does that make up for all the 3rd strike your out victims me boot tastes so good?
You dream to d Small.
Fuck you Biden could have pardon everyone son arrested for pot.
Ah the American dream to get adopted by the jackass piece of shit politician who has fucked America’s eyes out for the last 50 years.
Literally fuck you I got mine. Which is why the cunts lost the election.
Lol didn’t you read Tesla hiring for driving for robot cars.
That’s what your girlfriend said you prefer macro cuckold.
Tech bro shitty train = Tesla tunnel.
“Enjoy your tv dinner, micro plastics and preservatives gang”
Yes let’s hurt NATO by shutting off the link to Alibaba, Amazon, etc… and the billion dollars of Chinese junk they sell every day. That will show them. /S
I have a better idea, fine the god damn parents of the kids. I didn’t choose to inconvenience my life with your fucking nonsense.
Are the young people who can afford dating in the room with you? Can they hear us? Lol
Full clean up after and sandwich making? Sign me up.
Hooray! The ingredients cost 30 dollars and I get to eat sandwichs everyday for a week or watch the ingredients spoil. Wow greatest country in the world.
Give your speech to the Native Americans, the southern blacks, the Chinamen who built the railroad yada yada yada…
What he campaigned on? oH bUt hE tRiEd, iTs JuSt sO HaRd aNd ThE RePUbliCaNs …