I really like this answer, because now I’m confident that I’m at least acting as an engineer. Thanks!
I really like this answer, because now I’m confident that I’m at least acting as an engineer. Thanks!
Guess im not an engineer in canada
Missed opportunity to cast ono kensho
Unregulated capitalism that made worse by the lack of QOL improvements by the govt is what made these new shitty electronics and tools profitable.
I actually like how the antagonist is a literal wild beast that uses words as weapon
Whats the letter A?
Cant wait for my economical wife, korbo
That sounds awesome actually, but no im not aware of it. I think it would be nice if its integrated tho
yeah, jobs on sims 3 is basically entering a building and waiting. With an occasional prompt about “what should your sims do?”
If sims 5 doesnt allow my sims to exit the house without loading screen, then it isnt worth it
Maybe he modified it to be on both lol
My loli elf cant be this philosophical!
I regret searching for this guy fuuuuck
Still dont get the point of freebsd.
Explain this to me in csgo terms.
Huh, who wouldve thought this is how PoW would actually be used
I didnt expect that the author would actually go there…
Isnt this a conflict of interest? Lol what a weird article.