It is on both the moderates and the left? Because neither group is enough on its own to win?
You keep asking this question and I find it very hard to believe you don’t already know the answer.
It is on both the moderates and the left? Because neither group is enough on its own to win?
You keep asking this question and I find it very hard to believe you don’t already know the answer.
I already refuted your “arguments” and repeating them won’t change anything Terrance. You aren’t going to make 1x1=2.
What’s more likely, you figured something out that philosophers have pondered for millennia, or you just can’t quite grasp the concept?
Come on Terrence, grow up. Just a little.
You know how Terrance Howard insists he knows that 1x1=2 and that he knows better than all of the greatest mathematicians in the world? That’s you right now.
They’ve all pondered the “obvious paradox” that you see right through. If you think “it isn’t a paradox at all it is just syntax mumbo jumbo” then you obviously think yourself to be smarter than them. That’s basic inference, any philosopher of your caliber would accept that basic logic
Coming from the person that thinks they are smarter than all of the collective philosophers from the past 2000 years. Rich.
No, you don’t. Especially since you swapped it for a strawman which you also dont understand. This, just like the definition of a paradox, isn’t up for debate. This paradox has existed for thousands of years and predates the Christian god itself. You are not “magically” smarter than the greatest philosophers of history, you are just far more arrogant.
Cheers bud.
You just replaced the word “paradox” incorrectly with strawman. Your issue is understanding what paradox means. The paradox stands. You also dont understand the full possibilities of “all powerful” since you keep applying things that couldn’t be done by an all powerful being. If there is anything a being cannot do, then they are, by definition, not all powerful.
Your “akin to saying” doesn’t track with the paradox. It is really a matter of anything being “all powerful” which cannot actually exist. There has to be a limit to the power, even if it is itself. That’s the entire point. It isn’t “syntactical jargon” at all.
“these things are not comparable but look how they both share this property!”
Grow the fuck up you child.
Yes. You did. Stop pretending you are too dumb to notice something that obvious
Dude you just did it again. You can’t say “I didn’t compare them” and then immediately say how they compare. You aren’t this stupid, stop acting like it.
This entire thread is clearly about us politics. Furthermore, the idea that you can use THE ENTIRE GLOBE to cherry pick any scenario is absurd and you know it. Stop trying to play that copout game and own the fact that we are discussing American politics.
I never claimed it to be but dont you…
“I never said it was but it totally was!” So no to that as well. Argue in good faith or fuck off.
Trans are grooming: It is an insult and LITERALLY what the US conservatives are running on. You need to understand this.
Elections: We aren’t talking about Russian elections.
Abortions: Read “A defence of abortion” by Judith Jarvis and get back to me. But before you do, stop acting like “you don’t have the right to drop a baby onto the floor!” is remotely in the ballpark of an apt comparison. Fuck off with that nonsense too.
Please show me an example of extreme Democrats trying to overthrow the US. This just isn’t the case and there is no “both sides” on this issue. The current conservative party in the US is not actually a conservative party. It is fear mongering bigotry and authoritarianism. Full stop. So stop acting like anyone is against the standard “progressive vs conservative” debate. We are outside of that normal.
“I want a fiscally conservative tax policy” is a valid political opinion.
“I think trans people are grooming kids” “I think the election was rigged” “I think women shouldn’t have total control over their bodies”
Those are not. Those are bigoted bullshit beliefs hiding as political opinions.
Your entire comment actually boils down to “you are bad for not tolerating the intolerant!” …and you can fuck all of the way off with that.