Oh please, show some empathy. Here’s a guy mourning the death oft a loved one and this is the first thing you can think off ? Talking about world politics ?
We all know Iraq was a fucked up war ! We all know Bush junior blatantly violated international law ! We all know american soldiers committed unspeakable crimes against iraqi civillains !
But don’t say that to somebody who just opens up about their grief. That’s just being an asshole, even if you’re supposedly correct. Show some decency.
You can be an empathetic and understanding human being without compromising on your political ideals.
Pissing off your fellow citizen, leads nowhere but to further resentment.
Why not Matrix ? Its E2E nit just TLS and also it prevents vendor lock in. This way chosing a providor is really about trust and not also about having to chose the same thing what your friends use
Well it depends:
Science and Religion are not opposing forces:
You can study religion at the university using the scientific method. That is comparing different religious texts, analysing the historical context of the religious texts, explore how religious tradition evolved over time.
Also I have a hard time imaging a society without religion. People will always believe in something, be it fate, astrology, crystals. And people always have. Religion is a big part of our culture. Not talking about it will not undo it. We have to talk about it and and we have to teach about it. Teach about the atrocities commited in the name of religion but also the fascinating ideas religion has left in our culture. Such as the idea that you have a moral obligation to help the vulnerable, beyond your personal interest.
And teaching should not be left to your weird aunt or some strange people on the Internet. Teaching needs expertise and should be done in the best interest of the child.
A society founded on laicism gives no democratic voice to the issues of religion. Religion becomes a private matter and will only be taught by false prophets with a private interest such as making money from scamming people or gaining political influence.
The public must fund religion for it to be free and it must also make sure that there is no religion who actively undermines the constitution. Tolerance only works if there’s a minimal consensus on the fact that we have to be tolerant and how we resolve conflicts in a peaceful way and this minimal consensus should be the constitution.
So it always depends on your current point of view:
Are schools filled with proletyzing fundamentalist ?then yes you might need less religion and more science in school or more scientific method in your religious teaching
But are your kids so uneducated about religion that they blindly believe everything they are being told about “gods will” ? Then please reintroduce some religious teaching in your education system. Let them work on the sources.
Here’s an interesting example of this
Dlf Islamunterricht - Schwieriger Weg zur Normalität im Schulalltag https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/islamunterricht-schwieriger-weg-zur-normalitaet-im-schulalltag-dlf-e73dc633-100.html
Why not just teach gamers in the mean time to sideload their own store ? F-Droid isnt downloadable through Google Play but still works as an alternative once you’ve installed it ?
Inspiration for making a solar-punk home from a regular residential building: https://slrpnk.net/post/12320109
They look very cool indeed. Tailoring the design to harnes naturally available energy sources instead of relying on the grid is great. Also increasing sustainability by making it easy to service makes sense. The only thing I fear is that if everybody wants to live in a single story home, the world will be plastered with housing and there will be no more agricultural land left to produce food.
Also this https://slrpnk.net/comment/12346938
We must achieve sustainability as a society not as individuals. And while the latter is our main leverage it shouldn’t actively undermine the former
From the Video description
Climate change can feel completely overwhelming. It can feel impossible to stay on top of, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Let me show you how I stay up to date with all things climate.
LINKS (* links are news sources)
Poste doch einfach hier und stell in den Post-Einstellungen ein, dass der Post auf Deutsch ist.
Dann wird er bei Nutzern, die die App nicht auf deutsch verwenden, standardmäßig ausgeblendet.
Würde also hier niemanden stören und ich würde mich sehr über Inhalte freuen, die mehr mit meiner Lebensrealität zu tun haben, als die von jenseits des großen Teichs :)
Depends in where you live. For instance in Germany house numbers are associated with the building but in France house numbers are their own object. The Idea there being that one should map the location where the plate with the houseumber is, and not the building(s) its associated with. If you dig throug osm map forums or issue trackers you’ll find the dispute resurfacing every now and then.
I can also recommend Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age by Benjamin R. Barber But start with the preface and the go directly to Chapter 7. The rest is nerd shit for political theory. It can be nice to know but will get quite boring pretty fast. But Chapter 7 will have you jump of your chair and start rebuilding your local community.