Did they seed at least?
Did they seed at least?
Not my place to tell you what to post, but I would have just made a link post to your blog. I found it more pleasant to read, and gave me an incentive to poke through your backlog. Entertaining stuff!
Less meta: you just prompted me to actually remember when my Internet journey actually began. Must have been early to mid oughts, mostly playing flash games on lego.com . I remember an elementary school buddy came over one day and helped me create the Email I’d use for 15 years, and introduced me to some regional forum that went offline many years ago.
Fits a pattern I’ve seen before. Kinda critical of OpenAI and not buying their PR wholesale, but also accepting the framing that AI is some kind of critical foundational tech instead of another shitty magic trick.
I started liking https://izzys.casa/ after someone linked her meandering horror story on the C++ ecosystem on awful. All her posts seem to be written like that.
Dear god, my ribs are hurting after 2 paragraphs already.
The pivot-to-ai writeup is out, they did seed! I assume it’s documented then.
Multinational corporations can act ethically after all.