Needs to be Linux? Xps. Unix? MacBook of choice.
Needs to be Linux? Xps. Unix? MacBook of choice.
Wouldn’t change it for the world. Crazy guy finally coming around.
I had used computers back since I was a kid in the 90s with my families 95 then 98 machine, and finally XP. But MY first computer and introduction to tinkering with software was an EEE pc 1005HAB. Atom processor, 2gb ram, and WiFi. I loved the thing. Best of all, I discovered it had compatibility (but not power) to run TF2 on it, which was so much better on PC than console. I spent hours finding ways to overclock it, mod the game to be as lightweight as possible, and eventually was able to play a game at a solid 30 fps so long as I played on the smallest map and used models that were only 50 polygons each. I installed Linux for the first time too, and so of course the next logical step was building my own pc. The rest is history I suppose…
Forest Park, St Louis MO
As someone literally leaving Paris today after spending a week there, this post was not fun to read… I guess so far we don’t itch?
Okay guys. Hear me out. I ordered the wallet and case with my new phone. In the box, it specifically states on the instructions that the finewoven material WILL patina with time, just like leather. This was not unknown to apple. I am not trying to say that it will infact look nice when there is a year of patina, I am just saying that this is a feature, not a bug. I wish they had emphasized this more when announcing the fabric. They expect people to use it LIKE LEATHER. It should age like leather, it should feel like the suede leather, and it should be handled like leather. So I think these arguments that it “scratches too easily” are just somewhat overboard. The finewoven wallet on my phone the last 2 days looks just like when I received it.
Wait what am I saying. Apple bad. Bad bad apple. You make bad product and too pricey. Now go back to Cupertino and make an indestructible leather alternative that is REALLY worth the money.
Aerospace division? Do you even know what Boeing does? Its all aerospace (except I guess for that one sub thing they made I think?)
But ya, Calhoun is a lord on high for sure.
Religious freedom is a human right. Self determination is a human right. As long as whatever you do does not cause a negative impact on other people (see the second right) or society at large, then gtfo.
Mint: wait, what district are you using?
Well this is going to the Supreme Court I guess.
Looks like I’m going to finally cut my subscriptions and move my family into using selfhosted sources that I supply from the high seas. This shit is ridiculous.
Back in my college days, I first used a T60 (not ultrabook) then moved to an x220 (nearing ultrabook). The X220 was perfect, removable battery, all day battery, good build quality, perfect for linux. I rocked mint with DWM for the 2nd half of my uni days.
The same way electronics in any other “extreme” condition does (airplanes, military, spacecraft). Tighter tolerances for fabrication, bigger heat sinks, less power consumption, no battery in the same chassis, active cooling during use, etc.
Looks like Microsoft is due for another anti trust lawsuit. They should remember Bill’s fun adventures in capitol hill.
MAM. /thread
Or all the random comments like
#Don’t change the value of this var because it breaks everything for some unknown reason
I have noticed that, at least in Mastodon, the fediverse seems to be significantly more pro active transport. I’d gander this is because this really has expanded to the “masses” yet, but it is really nice to see our favorite orange youtuber and other like minded individuals actively posting frequently.
This is going up on the office door at work.