Network/IT guy, started work on VAX computers.
Author of Petition to Governor in Council to overturn UBB decisions at CRTC.
was/is jfmezei on Twitter.
From greater Montréal, Québec, Canada, Earth area
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2022
You are not logged in. If you use a Fediverse account that is able to follow users, you can follow this user. I disable searching in the browser. When I wish to search, I go to a specific search engine web page.
When users have to work to DISABLE stuff in a browser, it reduces the trust people have in the browser. Consider why people have been switching back to Firefox, and now you are making the same mistakes that drove people away fro their former browsers. I disable searching in the browser. When I wish to search, I go to a specific search engine web page.
When users have to work to DISABLE stuff in a browser, it reduces the trust people have in the browser. Consider why people have been switching back to Firefox, and now you are making the same mistakes that drove people away fro their former browsers.