Just another queer person on internet
Somehow this article is a perfect metaphor too !!
Those stopped to exist ! All my first phones were 5in screen ones 🥵
I so wish they release them in india as well , but unfortunately they arent doing that 😰
Tbh I like a phone with basic functionality , but moto adds some simple features to their phones those come in handy ! I have tried number of apps to emulate the moto flashlights but of no use ! Plus a cleaner rom, that i can clean more with adb and root , one plus does not even root i guess !
I doubt , I have been stuck in similar situation , cant wait to go back to moto again !
Nah , you can scan docs , you can also translate text in real time witth it !
Windows is a malware !
My mom on the other hand did not find it problematic , given that she never used computers before and her first exp was linux mint 😌
And how exactly are these glasses preventing that ? Simple ray optics would suggest otherwise !
Well telegram has most of the stuff you need , just search in its search bar Music download bot , and boom you get a bot downloading music for u. Movies , no problem , just type the name and download the movie !
I use telegram for most of my pirated stuff , there is a telegram bot that does that for u !
Depends on what do u , use it for ? I hardly use it except for qr code scans , so any code scanners work for me !
Have you tried thunder yet ? It has that feature and is very stable . Connect is good too but idk if they have that ft !
As a person whose bf suffers from actual paranoic schizophernia , i find this meme in bad taste !!
Yeah looks like that to me as well !
Just the UI , i wanted to know !
What phone are u , using tho ?
But wont fit the 16 in display !
Did u call customer support ?