Nuclear war?
If you want to have a discussion about a topic it is your responsibility to provide a quick summary of the topic in order to set expectations about the subject.
It is not.
you decided to throw a hissy fit
I did not.
post the article without the paywall
I will not.
If you want to post a top-level comment, you should read the article first. If you don’t want to read the article, then you don’t have to comment here. The goal of posting this article is to discuss this article, not what you made of someone else’s summary of an article or general thoughts about the sorts of themes that could be present in an article you didn’t read or whatever: that is not productive or useful conversation. If there’s a thread on a topic where you don’t know about the topic, you can choose to skip it. You also can read this article and claiming that you can’t is just disingenuous. You don’t want to pay what it costs, which is fine, but it’s not like it’s unreadable to you: you’re choosing to not read it.
I am not new and your answer was inadequate. It is perfectly fine for me to want to talk about a book without giving you a free copy of the book: you can just move on and not talk about it if you are unwilling to buy it. I can talk about movies without buying you a ticket or a foreign place without buying you a plane ride. You are not owed a free copy of someone else’s work and “paywall” is an entitled non-comment that does not add to discussion. If you can’t even be bothered to use a complete sentence, you definitely do epitomize a certain approach on the modern web. You will have to deal with the fact that some things cost money.
That does not answer my question.
Sorry if my comment implied otherwise, that was not my goal.
Not at all. Your comment was completely appropriate and also welcome. Thanks for your context and furthering the conversation meaningfully.
Okay. What conversation do you expect to come from this one-word comment?
Sure, and I will grant you this is a little linguistics-adjacent, just like the other post I just made. “Linguistics” as a field is not just anything that is kind of about language, but emphasizing the continuity between other animals and their ability to communicate in something similar to, but distinct from the arbitrary and basically infinitely large ability that humans have to use language proper is pretty fascinating and important work.
Where are you getting this information?
If it is in fact a copyright infringement, then I’m not going to be posting that.
I’m not concerned with being sued, I’m just asking if it’s copying someone’s work when that person (or whomever holds the copyright) hasn’t allowed it to be copied. Is that what’s happening here?
Isn’t that just pirating copyrighted material?
I know why they did it. I’m just not going to be bullied by anti-social trolls who are here for the wrong reasons. And I’ll continue talking about typography because it’s fun and interesting. Thanks.
The thread was locked several hours ago because it was all just talking about talking, not talking about the actual topic. Unfortunately, several comments deliberately broke the Code of Conduct here and it seems like they were all from Hexbear users (which is something I had never heard of, I guess it’s an instance where there’s no expectation to be civil and maybe anti-social behavior is explicitly rewarded?).
Where did I post anything angry?
You’re gonna get me in trouble!
Who wrote this?
I thought it was pretty obvious, since there is so little actual content in the post, but I guess you’re right. Thanks.