Depends on how dense the board is. Infill is a choice when printing, so more plastic means more cost. I get my filament from $10 to $20 kg. Depends on sales and colors and such. These prints cost me $2 ish.
Theres a cereal bowl to the left. No bananas in it tho.
Desk knick knacks.
I wouldn’t do that in the slicer, it’s too hard to align them. I don’t know about any alignment tools in slicers. I could do that in Fusion360, however.
Got them for free, other wise I wouldn’t. They’re also only 3 gallons, so a lot easier to handle. Haven’t tried them yet, but a porter is going in this weekend.
Yes. There are several I’ve seen advertised but I’ve never used. Pcbway, despite the name, has 3d printing services. I have no experience with them.
I don’t like curves in 3d prints, generally. They’re all chamfered. The original has some curves.
I did try a brim. It was a huge hassle to remove. I don’t mind brims on larger, simple parts, but on these smaller, intricate ones, it sucks.
I swear I posted it! What the heck.
Not my model, so I can’t say. I do agree that the point should be a little more rounded.
De label them as you go? Not a bad idea.
Ive tried oxi clean and it works but it destroys my hands and needs rinsing off. I like baking soda. It’s weaker and gets consumed faster but it’s easier on my hands and cheap.
Valid question. As others have said, it’s for change ability. I do write in sharpie on the box for the box capacity and contents. However, I have 3 or 4 of these boxes and I swap around the stuff in them a lot. It’s always bottles but sometimes the box is full, sometimes not. Some bottles are ready, some need de labeling. This way I know at a glance what the status of my inventory is.
I have considered swing tops but I have trouble believing that they’d hold well enough. I bottle because I don’t drink much or quickly and I want to give away stuff.
Have you used swing tops? Can you recommend them? I have some from another brewer but haven’t tried them. I could try a few next batch.
Fusion 360. The fusion files are included in the Printables link.
Short answer: saving leftover coffee. Edited in longer answer.
Short answer: saving leftover coffee. Edited in longer answer.
Short answer: saving leftover coffee. Edited in longer answer.
There’s a cereal bowl on the left if that helps.