Damn that boy looks COMFY
Thank you Mr. Wizard
That’s illegal
Always switch
Christ that explains why I can’t open pictures on my work pc, thanks
The newer rangers are alright, though definitely bigger than they used to be. My ‘01 just keeps limpin along though, sucker won’t quit
It’s a little weird to think my truck is very nearly as old as I am
Very brave
She’s a classic cutie
Naruto Shippuden + NBA 2k23
That is a blep of legendary proportions
Skritches delivered!
She’s a side eye expert
Zoomies incoming
Her voice really isn’t too gravelly unless she just woke up, which now that I think about it she usually just woke up
“But daaaaaaaaad!”
This was at the Cincinnati zoo, and he was sitting right out in the front of his enclosure, very cool