It’s more a mark of his Christian nut job father who insisted on him playing right handed in spite of being left handed.
It’s more a mark of his Christian nut job father who insisted on him playing right handed in spite of being left handed.
Y’know, Nixon was also ultimately responsible for the extensive bombing of Cambodia and the extension of the Vietnam war, both of which killed millions (the former by laying the ground work for the rise of the Khmer Rouge) BUT the important part was that he spied in Democrats! Not to defend Trump, he’s a vile removed that would serve the world best as fertiliser, but his legacy doesn’t even remotely hold a candle to the likes of Nixon, Dubya, Truman/Eisenhower etc.
If I read the format correctly, it depicts the Greek character standing on a stack of books with the “Arab” standing on a pile of money, insinuating that the European’s high education/wisdom/whatever is superior to the “Arab’s” wealth. The fact that Ancient Greek philosophy was only passed down to post-medieval Europe by Arab/Ottoman scholars and that the Islamic world has a rich intellectual tradition that is in no way inferior to that of the European peoples was probably not considered in the inception of the underlying format.
Tl;dr: It’s racist.
No one in Africa wants them, you may fly the plane past Pine Gap, though, Australia being your former penal colony and all.
Danger Dan is a massive Zionist, though.
Just the Higgs boson, which is exactly what the LHC was originally built for. But other than the intended results, it’s been basically useless!
Capitalism no iPhone
My guy, have you heard phrases like “100 Mrd. € Sondervermögen für die Bundeswehr”, “Wiedereinführung der Wehrpflicht” , shit like this? Or have you heard anything people like Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann have said in the past two years? Also, hasn’t the Russian army been struggling to overpower Ukraine for the past two years now? The poorest country in Europe with basically no functioning infrastructure to begin with that also is decidedly not a member of NATO? Wouldn’t the Russian Army have to cross the Baltic states and Poland to even reach Germany, triggering a response from all of NATO? Could it be they all the rhetoric about the Russkys expanding westwards is full of shit and nothing more but a fig leaf to sell austerity and a military buildup to the German populace?
I don’t think the DPRK wants to give an opportunity to basically any country in the world to plant spies. Considering the US used visits of the Atomic Energy Commission to infiltrate the DPRK in the 90s, welcoming thousands and thousands of difficult to vet corporate reps sounds like an open invitation for infiltration.
It’s not a pissing contest, but I still believe Nazi Germany takes the cake in that regard.
But… but… Galicia was judenfrei when he joined, he couldn’t have been a Nazi!
Just a small correction: a vassal is a person subservient to a feudal lord. A vessel is a container of some sort or a ship.
I’m a bit peeved by the circumstance that python (a language), jupyter (a compiler for python), and numpy and pandas (both python modules) are listed separately.
If you lock yourself out, don’t call the first locksmith you can find in google. They are a scam.
Oh, it contains TTX. I think cyanide can counteract this particular poison but don’t quote me on that.
Edit: turns out I misremembered and the counteracting poison is Batrachotoxin, which is used by the poison dart frog.
I mean, you shouldn’t lift aquatic creatures out of the water, ever, but what else is happening in this picture?
Sounds like a dream to me, tbh. Imagine becoming, say, a physicist only to end up being a code monkey for IBM waiting for your AI replacement only to wait for you eventual re-hire for less pay because the AI sucks ass.