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Cake day: November 18th, 2024


  • US is in a state of slow implosion. Rest of the world needs to look at collaborating while excluding the US.

    My guess is China will fill the void left by the disintegration of USAID in order to boost its global standing.

    I strongly encourage all nations to begin violating US intellectual property rights. Nations like India already do so with pharmaceuticals.

    Eventually other nations will need to take on the mantle of tech and pharmaceutical research and development and we don’t want to live in a world where all this progress is lost.

    Americans have chosen to nuke their own democracy and we need to minimize the damage done to the rest of the world as much as possible.

  • They used to innovate, no doubt. But their products provide absolutely terrible value now. Great resale, sure. But you’re overpaying 20% for the hardware you’re getting which is not the case on the Android side. The only thing iPhone universally does better is 1) video and 2) ecosystem (if all your products are Apple). The rest is a tomaeto vs tomahto situation.

    Not relevant to most basic users but I could not use a phone where I did not have the freedom to sideload apps, especially if I’m overpaying for the hardware.

  • Hate to say this but there are a lot of young white men who feel unheard and unseen. Trump and the right wing podcasting network really resonates with them.

    The reality is society is so much better now than it was in 1995 or 2005 but many young white men feel left out because the advantages they once held are disappearing.

    It used to be a that the only right person for the job was a white man or another white man. They didn’t have to compete with other races or genders cuz the game was rigged to only take them seriously. Now, having to fairly compete against women and PoC, a lot of the less capable folk are tapping out and saying “no let’s go back to the old way” because they were more competitive back then.

  • You didn’t like the image of the American flag walking down stairs while he sang sit down, be humble? Most of the rest of the world found it pretty apt.

    I think many didn’t understand the meanings he was looking to convey.

    Even one as simple as Samuel L Jackson representing the white gaze and reprising his role as house n***** from Django Unchained.

    The guy is a Pulitzer prize winner. This wasn’t going to be all glam.

  • One thing I despise about the US (gun violence and healthcare inequitability aside) is how it measures the value of everything in money.

    It’s culture is a commodification machine. Nothing can just be beautiful for the sake of being beautiful, it has to be made into a side hustle somehow.

    Most Americans are married to their jobs and have little work life balance relative to Canadians and Europeans.

    There is a remarkable amount of mental gymnastics done by people trying to gaslight themselves into thinking this is what they want, even though most would be happier and healthier with more time off.