Hey now, we won’t go extinct. Some of the ultra wealthy will likely survive in their bunkers! That’s probably comforting right
Hey now, we won’t go extinct. Some of the ultra wealthy will likely survive in their bunkers! That’s probably comforting right
In lifeguard training I was unironically told I might have to punch someone in the face to snap them out of it and ensure we don’t both drown lol
It’s describing a psychological barrier, like you have a limited amount of mental space for a really ‘knowing’ people. People are complex and varying and it takes a lot of space and effort to learn their differences (and that’s important, some people can be dangerous or whatever). Once you run out of space (so to speak) their existence is mentally more abstract and less likely to come to your mind when you’re making your decisions. That negligence is the source of conflict, not you literally not thinking of them as people and harming them intentionally.
I also know that most office hours are totally wasted, but how come no one seems to have successfully made a job where you only do those effective hours possible?
Follow some middle managers around for a day. Being a corporate uncle tom has its perks
The article is a flat lie. It allows attackers to view fragments of an rdp session screen and nothing else like “take over” anything. It’s also not remotely new.
There’s a good reason why you see Nvidia or AMD splash logos on game startup. Companies 100% get kickbacks to make demanding games that use the newest hardware
I think the baked-in political biases highlight how not “open source” the weights really are without knowledge of the training data. You can bias these systems however you want to and it’s nontrivial or impossible to remove it once it’s there.
This is why Nvidia stock has been hit so hard. CUDA is their moat
So anyone with an older or non-nvidia card can just get fucked?
This sounds like an Nvidia monopolistic backroom deal or something. Bet you’ll see an Nvidia splash on those games’ startup.
I can’t find any remotely authoritative sources saying this. Who is this YouTuber?
Repeal citizens United and institute ranked choice voting nationwide (USA)
Interesting explanation. Democracy can’t really work unless people have a trusted source of truth and those seem hard to come by these days with the struggles of for-profit news orgs (mostly owned by the same few giant media conglomerates). Would make sense that an effective angle of propaganda is to exacerbate that in any way possible.
For sure, I think the research is more relevant to other research professionals rather than us plebs on social media though. Posting it here is kinda puts it out of context I think
Idk I noticed pretty significant differences between models of various sizes. I mean there are lots of metrics on this
This piqued my curiosity so I dug into it a bit on Wikipedia. Most worms are dumb as fuck, roundworms are about as dumb as they come with total neuron counts for a roundworm being comparable to a microscopic tartigrade (300 vs 200). Most of this is located in the head of the worm in a brain like structure though, so I’m betting the clones develop their brains independently with no information transfer. I doubt there’s a ton of learning/memory forming going on at all though, based on how simple worms are, so it’s probably functionally identical. I would be surprised if most worm species exhibit any kind of learned behaviors ever.
Thanks, I wish more people did their own tests and published them like this since marketing for electronics is loose at best
The entirety of “open” ai is complete bullshit. They’re no longer even pretending to be nonprofit at all and there is nothing “open” about them since like 2018.
If you enjoy base-building at all as well try Rift Breaker. It’s basically Diablo with tower defense, great game.
I think it just helps make the meme. The Miyazaki films can be dark too, like nausicaa or especially graveyard of the fireflies