Hey do you have a sane® controls mapping, i bought all Keens and wanted to finish them in order on deck. But manually mapping each one is going to be tedious
Hey thanks! We started the world, then put the seed into online map service, then made a half a continet trek to a place between two villages, pillager outpost and plenty of ruins. Was fun to travel, dig a hole underground to make beds overnight and use trapdoor to hide, then first thing early unbuild everything and continue.
Im self hosting a server, so some cheating has to happend because my kid was so happy he had found three diamonds, then lost them, had to use /give command. Thanks for the tip tho, will be put to use!
I had no idea i can use it like that!
Germany has a whole line of not milks, almost chicken, like chicken, thun visch and i can almost be certain i saw mjolk and moloko somehwere. I always chuckle a bit when i see it.
Since i also use to login on tty and startx only when i need it, this will be awesome to add. Thanks!
Ant the community is something else. I know there are other games that put emphasis on tactics and teamwork, in no other game i habe such an experience as in t2. Im in titan, shooting stuff - here fam, battery packs galore from team. I start pestering titans with rockets and laser - teammates storm to keep me alive. Its like clan arena again, just teamwork and its wonderfull, even tho finding game on ps takes longer now
This looks promising, have to remind myself to try it out
Oh man, while i love xonotic, i really miss the ut99 weapons and maps :)
I gave Prey a chance, and i really liked the story and worldbuilding. Wnded finishing it under a week.
Im finally going to go through Deathloop and Mirrors Edge:Catalyst
Was kann schon schiefgehen?
Ich sehe dies als Anreiz, 0days und Backdoors nicht zu veröffentlichen, sondern sie im Darknet zu verkaufen, so wird man wenigstens nicht verklagt.
Il have to check it, since many people said good things about it. Man, i really miss titanfall, was never too huge fan of battlefield / cod ( altho i must say, colleague had that ww2 cod and it made load of fun just going through multiplayer, i dont remember i ever touched the campaign )
edit: watching a video i just saw that it has a grappling hook! im sold!
Im having so much fun at work rn haha
Exactly, and its a shame because his ideas are really good. Even his earlier campy writing ( Ocelot encounters in MGS3 were so over the top but so good ) had its charm.
Fragile, but not that fragile, samantha AmERicA strand, almost everything Diehardman says…
i love the gameplay, but Kojimas writing is seriously getting more and more cringey, and not enough to be a cult like Tommy Wiseau, he neeeds editors
Havent had the luck, i saw it as i finished no mans sky.
Getting more old and progressing to being a casuall gamer so much that some titles im enjoying just now, i see that ill either sell the ps5 for a pc or steam deck. I guess this was my lesson.
And already installed digital releases will not work?
I just have fawe. Nothing else.
Its really even. Everywhere its just two layers of earth blocks, then its free fall till bedrock (or some material blocks)