That uhh, dead chicken on the ground there seems to say otherwise lol.
That uhh, dead chicken on the ground there seems to say otherwise lol.
Well, your post says otherwise.
You have the intent to do actions that could impact the housing/land market.
BUT you noted that people can’t live on agricultural land where you are at just now. so that makes a big difference, and had you of made that clear your post might have been a little bit more well received.
So I think that is an interesting idea but you are still going against the grain there.
There are many people here that are very against the exact thing you are trying to do, so the reddit quip you made is kinda backwards lol.
Please no.
This is already a big problem we have with the world today, people trying to make money from land and housing. We need less people doing shit like this. Causing housing market issues just to make money.
Also, it might backfire on you. More “clutter” is more work/cost for a prospective buyer. You would need to be restrictive to buyers that specifically want your style, which could put you in a position of discrimination.
You could say, “but I’m only one person, it’s not going to make a difference” not thinking about the millions of other people out there doing the same thing. Don’t do this, just sell it and move on if you’re going to sell it.
Yup, you can turn it off.
It’s not overly difficult to get to the setting either.
I’m 100% on board with renewable energy.
There’s just one problem I have right now, if I opt in (and I am opted in) to use renewable energy, I get charged more per kwh than if I were to opt out.
So while there is a lot of misinformation out there against renewables, one thing I see about it costing more has remained true, at least where I live. The power company even states that they charge you more for using renewables. Even if they frame it as being a marginal difference of a few dollars, it’s still more expensive, on top of them increasing electric costs year over year.
Sorry for the delay, I’ve been quite busy.
Here’s a link to the powershell script.
Take note of line 4. It is looking for a separate file called discover_printer.ini to retrieve printer information from. You can name the ini file whatever you want, just make sure to update the name within the powershell script.
Here’s the link to the ini file. Not sure why I even bothered to put it there since it’s so short lol.
PRINTER1_DEV_NAME= The name you want the printer to show up as in Bambu Studio
PRINTER1_USN= Serial number of the printer
PRINTER1_IP= Local IP address of the printer
PRINTER1_CODE= The access code for the printer that is in lan mode
You can do multiple printers in one ini, just change the number at the end of “PRINTER” to the next number.
We use this for X1E models, but the script looks to be generic so I don’t think it will matter which one you have.
I have only seen one person have an issue out of the 50 or so that use this script. It will connect from his machine but consistently fails to send files to the printer.
I just put the powershell script and the ini in the root directory of the Bambu Studio installation and make a shortcut to the ps1 script on the desktop. If you have powershell scripts locked down you may need to add a key at the bottom to allow it to run.
To use the script, open Bambu Studio first then run the script and browse to the device tab and click the + in the left hand menu to bring up discovered printers.
I hope it works for you.
I’m going to save your comment for now. I have a script that I use at work that helps with printer detection because we have a very similar issue. I’ll try to post it here if I remember.
Running the script after launching Bambu studio helps with detection of the printer. Only caveat is that you have to run it every time you launch Bambu studio.
It’s nothing malicious, I’ll just post the code for you with the important bits that need to be changed noted.
Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll definitely have to take a look.
I’m not much for watching YouTube videos for that info, I’d rather read an article with links to the data or information.
According to the bambulab blog (on the official bambulab website) they explicitly state that you are free to downgrade or not upgrade and your printer will still work.
Edit: they even have a specific note about users that never want to upgrade and it states that it is fine, and their printers will still function.
It’s not that difficult to go into your router and just block all external traffic from a device so yes I trust mine not to phone home.
They don’t automatically update.
Unless that’s something new, mine has never updated automatically, it always asks me.
The governments around the world know this.
They don’t care because they got theirs, and it’s coming so fast that it will take radical change across the globe to fix it. But since these geriatric fucks can’t get the sticks out of their asses and come together for change because that would mean working together rather than constantly trying to show who has the biggest dick, we will be the ones to suffer.
I don’t think we will extinct ourselves but I do think that there will be some very hard times coming within the next 50 years. If and when (when being more likely) things like water wars start, the elite will be wiped out, there are way more of us than there are of them.
The elite will try to use the military against the commoners and people will die, but when those rations (water specifically) start running thin they will turn on them with a quickness. I make that last statement from experience albeit under different circumstances. I have seen a command group challenged and subsequently removed from their duties because they pissed off enough soldiers. A military is only as strong as the soldiers they can command. When the soldiers lose morale, confidence, and subsistence coupled with the knowledge that this would be happening on a global scale, it will be over for the elite. We would have power struggles and years of pain, death, possibly disease, lack of power, food etc. Eventually we will rebuild and get back to some sense of normalcy but not without massive changes to everyday life.
I honestly hope it never comes to that, it’s a worst case scenario that I’ve thought about, being completely wiped out relatively quickly would probably be less worse, at least for the earth and the people on it since it there would be “less suffering” (depending on how you look at it) in the end.
Best case is that some radical changes happen and enough of the elite are removed to allow for major shifts in policy and less dick wagging so we can actually save this planet.
Yes but that is very simple to redirect.
Unfortunately I’m not able to answer all of your questions, you would need to refer to our HR specialist for those answers.
Very simple and polite. Going and posting on the Internet that they didn’t hire someone because they had 100% legitimate questions make them look like an absolute moron, or simply someone that is looking for a slave that won’t complain or inquire into anything. When the reality is, a person knowing those answers is helpful to both the company and the individual in terms of finding a good fit.
Every single person (or company CEO) within 100 miles that has raised rent after the wildfires started should be fined their entire previous years income (not their profit, every single dollar that was paid to them), and put in prison for a at least one year. That fine should go to a relief fund to help the people that need it.
They (and their immediate family) should also be barred from owning more than one property and ever renting out property again. Their business should liquidated and all assets sold off and the funds from that added to said relief fund.
Unless they can 100% prove that the raise in rent was either automatic and scheduled before a certain period and below a certain threshold.
Edit: Spelling. Changed our to out.
That’s fair, just pointing out in my case that I don’t/didn’t need to login to anything and have full functionality of my TV.
The only logins I would need to do would be for streaming service apps, IF I was actually using the TV OS to watch stuff. Otherwise everything works fine.
I have an Amazon fire TV.
It is not connected to anything, and everything works fine. I just hooked up my shield to it and use that, but basic tv functions (settings and whatnot) work just fine without being logged in.
Thank you for the explanation.
I did notice that they said HDMI/DP but didn’t really put two and two together to understand that it was for each port. Makes more sense now.
Also didn’t know what the starship/Matisse was either.
That is a much better though than I had.
I was over here like, wtf, did you just defile that grub by shoving a bullet in it’s butt, uhhh head? I know nothing about grubs lol.
Glad to know it’s not that.