What‘s the best alternative for iOS and macOS? The first articles that come up, rank Brave as one of the best for iOS.
I liked that it blocked all YT ads by default and had tab management.
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World of Warcraft Classic. You start as a no one. Everybody around you seems to know what to do. Your items are shit. You look like a peasant. The silliest enemies force you to rest and are able to kill you.
It‘s challenging but so rewarding. It makes you feel grateful for every single lvlup, item and skill you can get.
Even after spending literal days of your life, there always will be people who are better than you. Everything is said and done. Still this game manages to pull me back in from time to time. It’s so much fun.
The more there is known about you, the easier you are to be manipulated.
If you read George Orwell‘s 1984 or watch the Cambridge Analytica documentary on Netflix you get an idea.
Her videos about women in video games were mind-blowing. And I never forgot her Lego City vs. Lego Friends comparison. Smurfette-syndrome and damsel distress are words I didn‘t know before watching this channel.
„dIe AmPeL“
Man sollte schon die entsprechenden Parteien nennen.
Das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) versicherte gegenüber der FAZ, man werde kein Finanzproblem haben und die zentralen Projekte seien finanziert.
FDP, die Partei, die sich regelmäßig (vor der Bundestagswahl) als jung, innovativ, digital darstellt.
Das Bundesfinanzministerium verweist laut Bericht darauf, dass die Ressorts grundsätzlich frei in ihren Ausgaben seien.
Das Innenministerium bestätigt, dass 2024 keine neuen Mittel für das Onlinezugangsgesetz vorgesehen sind. Stattdessen nutze man “Ausgabereste”.
DiE gRüNeN sInD dEr hAuPtGegNer
That‘s why a minimum wage so low that you barely survive is so important
I see a pattern of games mentioned here! What do you call games like theme hospital? I’d love to skim a few recommendations for these kind of games that let you hire different employees to run parts of your business.
In Germany some schools offer exactly that in day schoolGanztagsschule.
In theory students get time to do homework in a dedicated hour and the last hours are filled with extracurricular activities.
But often times teachers assign too much homework and there‘s always at least one day when you have maths other sth else in the late afternoon, what‘s hell for everyone involved.
I wouldn‘t send my children there, but there are families who are thankful for this system and children who are capable to live an 8-4 day.
Sounds great, thanks!
Awesome suggestions, thank you.
Lord, what have you done
Your suggestions are great, thank you! What’s still missing is a game that let’s you hire people with different skills and watch them do their stuff (Theme Hospital, maybe? There have to be better examples nowadays!)
A close example could be Game Dev Tycoon I played for a while. But unfortunately you really had to micromanage every step.
Cool, thank you so much! DF is on my list but the graphics … 😅
In the iOS Appstore you can see which data they want to obtain.