My ‘favorite’ silly Trump bit was when asked about the environment, clean air, water, etc., he said “we had H2O”. Wow sounds so science-ey!? 🙄 (It was like a Ralph Wiggum ‘I’m learnding’ moment)
Nah. Association of Medical Illustrators
I have a Masters in Medical Art. (late 1980s) 35 years ago some were saying ‘we won’t need medical artists because of photography’ and then a few years later ‘because of personal computers’. This isn’t the case. But when the general public has access to a tool they love to talk about how a discipline is going away because ‘now anyone can do it’.
The Nightly Radio. It’s a web site described as “Sad. Old. Radio”. A continuous loop of thousands of old records collected by the creator(s). Very international and many genres. It’s not for everyone, but I love the vibe, esp. while working.
Frederick Douglass met with Daniel O’Connell in Ireland in 1845. Several other abolitionists travelled there as well.
I know you were probably joking, but as a PSA I will add that you NEVER dip any ‘bits’ or any body part in plaster in a closed, rigid container! 😬 A mold should be made with alginate, silicone, or other resilient material. The plaster is what would be poured into the mold afterwards, to make a casting. thanks.
I accept this. I saw these when they premiered- like lining up outside the theatre and everyone cheering, etc. That was in middle school and high school and it was a true experience at the time. So, I’ll always have a soft spot for them, but you’re basically correct.
Similarly, my friend’s Grandpa had a neighbor in Burbank, CA who was the ‘Hamburgler’ for McD’s. TV Commercials, etc. She was a diminutive woman.
PLASTERof PAradISe. It was one of the first websites I came across accidentally back in about 1995, I just checked and it still exists (on Geocities!) It’s a fetish site with links to every instance of movies, shows, books etc. with people wearing full body, arm and leg casts. I remember it even had episodes of the Simpsons where casts were depicted. “To each his own”, I guess!