• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2021


  • Unfortunately not, Linux is simply not there as a desktop experience for the average PC user & may never be.

    I had an Ubuntu 20.04 install on my system for a while, decided to boot it up mess around recently. It alerted me to update to 21.04 then to 22.04. Bunch of apps and customized stuff got completely broken, some addons were removed from gnome and had no support. CUDA stuff was messed up, etc. I was able to get the system to a working state, but took me an hour, average person will give up and Ubuntu is a fairly easy distro and perhaps one of the more standardized. Debian fairs better but is often out of date on things and stuff still goes catastrophically wrong on occasion between releases.

    Death of XP & 7 had a better chance for Linux to become more mainstream. You really need a massive company like Google, Apple or even Microsoft to develop a Linux desktop competitor for it to become mainstream, at that point it won’t really be the same Linux experience and more like Windows.

    I have been using Linux for at least 20 years on and off, glad it exists and love it at times, but it’s just not the replacement for Windows.