They’re all at it, not just Russians. Notice how mamy Americans are active in Westminster politics.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash… and I’m delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever!
They’re all at it, not just Russians. Notice how mamy Americans are active in Westminster politics.
It’s not just the “dark money” donations to Westminster but the sheer size of the lobby group influencers and other state agents. Whenever there’s an “expert” put on tv or radio on a topic, I notice they come from a number of (usually US-funded) think tanks.
Just looked at the iOS app and it has an IAP of £119.00. Put me off completely.
Quite possibly an under-estimate considering how normalised verbal abuse is in schools.
Maybe take a look at the Remotely Save plugin for Obsidian. It works with lots of services (though not sure about Proton). The “Pro” version is still in beta and free.
Why are the Labour Party still campaigning for the votes of the Daily Mail and true-blue Tories?
Thank you for sharing those links. I’ve just spent some time reading pages on your wiki. It’s great. You write very clealy about each tool/service. How you’ve done it seems an excellent way of reflecting on what you do. I’ll be consulting your wiki in future. I’m going to follow your guidance on setting up a reverse proxy as a start.
Impressive. Was it an easy set-up (the redirect and authentication in particular?)
What is your foss server set up?
(I do actually run an ok calDAV using Next Cloud. I’m suggesting that things should be much easier to use across different OSes and apps and devices).
Thank you. This is the sort of thing I was looking for .
And your server/client combo probably require you to find some obscure forum post from 2009 and reading the man pages several times before you find that one specific fucking legacy parameter in some config file that has to be set.
Hmmm… I quickly emcountered guides for “workarounds” when DAV doesn’t work.
I have Nextcloud CalDAV working on iOS (the trick is to set up calendar and tasks separately). I can’t get Baikal Calendar to sync on ios.
This is what I was trying to get at: setting up calendar and task SHOULD be straightfoward and work across devices and OSes. It’s not.
You are probably the exception rather than the rule. Nextcloud, in my experience, is the only one that seems to work fairly well. Just look at the Issues on Github for apps that try to use CalDAV.
It’s more than the “proprietary apps”. It’s harder than it should be to simply sync calendar and tasks. The one that seems to work the most effectively is Nextcloud. By now there should be straightforward, easy to use (to host) solitions that just work.
I have tried hard to get Baikal to work across devices and had to admit defeat (works on some, not on others). I am running CalDAV most successfully using Nextcloud.
What’s your set up with CalDav? What devices do you run it on?
I was about to say this. Strange how you seem to be the only one (so far) to suggest this sensible solution.
I updated to 7.2.2 this morning and it prompted me to update Plex and then gave a message about what to do if Plex couldn’t see my library. It seems to be ok.
Most likely Starmer was told to get rid of her by his big business puppeteers. Took the opportunity of the Assisted Dying bill to limit the impact.
Let’s see how long it is before Starmer embraces Farage as some sort of foreign envoy or ambassador to US.