They still do, if the rest of the original treaty is upheld.
You’ve heard of no true Scotsman, well that’s compared to me, the only true Scotsman. Everything I am is all things that are forever and not, therefore the fallacy isn’t.
They still do, if the rest of the original treaty is upheld.
Yeah the reason is primarily corruption. There’s a reason so many Americans specifically related to the state dept either quit their jobs and took up in Ukrainian companies, or directly started investing in Ukraine in the lead up to 2014 and the eventually coup that lead to zelensky being in power. Ukraine isn’t special. It holds no real significance for a US company or investment firm based on its laws or government. But cheap mineral rights and a complete lack of environmental regulation thanks to a captured government? That’s just easy money that also denies a self made US enemy that easy money. And all for the price of the Ukrainian population.
Yeah Stalin still had issues and it was awful that the working theory at the time was homosexuality was a result of western decadence since literally all the rich people they found were doing weird sex stuff and Germany and the US killed all the gay communists and socialists they could and burned their books so there was no real example they could find of any ‘deviance’ being innate.
That all being said towards the end the crack down wire off and five years labor is still better than what any other country at the time did to cure the gays.
Oh right I’m on the transphobic instance based in genocide land. I keep forgetting to block you bigots on new accounts.
My dude if your or anyone’s eyebrows grow 90% in 5 days you need medical help. Then again you wouldn’t get it in the US and a radical monobrow disease might be enough to make someone expertly plan a hit and then completely fuck up everything else.
What country is that?
PTB, as nearly always with .world nonsense.
You simply stated the natural progression of action of the oppressed to the oppressors, as recently demonstrated by a nice young person in New York.
Man why did you people ever leave reddit? You clearly agree with the direction that company took and how the site was run.
Because Israel is the only country ISIS has apologized to, and Syrian rebels are lead by former ISIS leaders.
Well that’s an excuse for a couple of the problems, doesn’t solve the user base problem, which still makes it awful. LinkedIn without their data policy is still a god awful social media site.
I’m in the US and can get lamb at fast food joints. Go to any Mediterranean shop for a gyro. Afaik it’s even more available in the UK since it’s primarily sold as people food, not dog food like the US market.
It’s a centralized Twitter clone run by a faceless vulture capitalist corporation that’s now full of the second worst people to occupy Twitter. At best they’re harvesting all of your data, at worst they’re prepping the data they’ve harvested to be handed over to the trump administration and whatever AI powered hyper Nazi tool theyll use to set up raids on dissenters.
I blame them for protecting their IP like a old white person protects their property value by shooting at any black person that moves into the neighborhood.
If they’re smart, they will. If they’re not smart they will need to hope they can afford to give their security team better health insurance than they themselves offer, otherwise we will see repeats of the reason you’re personally allowed to be outside of your company owned work house.
That’s cute, which of the several thousand recognized Chinese cultures did you marry into?
There isn’t a single unified one, anymore than theres a white culture or Indian culture.
Let’s put it a different way, I hear it’s just a part of black culture to show bravado at all times. Now if you correctly recognize that as a racist statement, you can recognize the your precious nonsense as the racist shit it is.
And marrying someone of a race doesn’t make you automatically not racist towards that race, you ‘i have a black friend’ excusing ass.
It’s okay, informal English is harder than formal English, which is already one of the hardest languages. You’ll get there buddy.
It’s weird how anti Chinese racism is just accepted to the point some bigoted censored can just say “Chinese culture XYZ” and expect to be taken seriously.
Because libs agree with Trump that China bad, so it’s important to fight that still, especially as Trump gives them the excuse to rapidly and ridiculously increase their racist policies.
If you don’t build houses and people can’t afford to live in the few houses that exist, then you’re condemning them to death, so just build the houses or admit you’re fine with killing the undesirables instead of hiding behind pointless green washed versions of NIMBYism.
If it turns out the only solution to climate change is depopulation as research is starting to point to, would a volunteer service or a random lottery be more humane?