came to the conclusion, it doesn’t exist
came to the conclusion, it doesn’t exist
15 years, tried to find purpose of life
Keeps me going? drugs and food. Life right now is just like a zombie from 6:00-15:00, and later From 15:00-3:00 life can feel good in rare occasions.
they ask because theyre bots
unironically, as a teen i enjoyed my mental Hospital stays Quite a lot.
thanks for the paywall
your phone doesnt change it back when you disconnect Bluetooth? that’s harsh.
how is it not good for pedestrians? navigating a round about is much easier as you have to look for one side, not 4
nah, technically were all from the same bloodline or something so whatever
I get it, but please find something else to complain about. Its getting old.
like US politics, way too many posts about those.
I only use Lemmy (first sort by All TopSixHour, then Subscribed New) and occasionally mastodon, but that place is kind of empty so there’s not a lot to look at. Back in the day I used to use Instagram every other day, but I would not ever recommend that ever to anyone ever on this planet ever. It was awful.
I’m gonna have to start living by this, it does sound smart. Even smarter if you continue drinking at work ;)
roundabouts are so much better than crossroads, for everyone.
you ain’t raising anyone with that shit punctuation
i was joking 'Bout the graph, but youre also wrong. Windows XP Was the last good, or 7 maybe.
time just startend standing still for Windows after 10
its the lever
Youre acting like using social media is “not your fault”. Kids nowadays KNOW theyre adiccted to social media, they KNOW thats why they cant concentrate, but they act like they cant do anything about it.
i found one of these in the Street recently, brought it to school and home… sad to say, its broken.