Mildly related, but maybe yakuake might be for you.
You make it start on startup. Then when pressing Ctrl alt T (or whatever you configure) it will retract/expand from the top. Can add another hotkey to open a new tab, etc
Mildly related, but maybe yakuake might be for you.
You make it start on startup. Then when pressing Ctrl alt T (or whatever you configure) it will retract/expand from the top. Can add another hotkey to open a new tab, etc
! leaking again :P
The USA flag really brings it all together
Lmao. Really hit a nerve judging by the comments
Look at the inverse of the square root function, f(x)=x² (
You can get the sqrt of a given y by looking at the x axis. E.g. the value of y=4 has two solutions, x=2 and x=-2. This however does not mean that the sqrt of -4 is also 2! If you look at graph you can see that there are no solutions for y less than 0.
sqrt(-1) , sqrt(-2) (i ill omit imaginary numbers here) and so on do not have a solution. There is nothing you can replace with such that x × x is < 0 because multiplying two negatives always nets a positive.
Python with ESModules would be neat.
Every time I type if typing.TYPE_CHECKING a part of me dies inside
This definition of “better” feels like claiming that a Beeper that’s constantly hooked to power is the perfect alarm because it warns you every time someone is trying to break in - while entirely ignoring that it is just constantly blaring.
The rebound effect summarised
Green Is My Pepper
Oh suspiciously well-fed dog of the battlefield, what is your wisdom?
Sold off to the lowest bidder who then “handles the recycling” - aka dumps it on some landfill in a 3rd world country.
Loved the first season and the “rules” they established…
Why did they have to throw them away with the second season :/
Escape From Kursk
I just got a Bambu A1 this Tuesday and have been printing non-stop during the workday.
Made some Planters, Box for the Hotends, Poop Chute… No issues so far.
And setup was pretty easy. No need to tinker around. It just works. WiFi Setup was a bit finicky (it wants 2.4GHz and the length of the SSID seems to be restricted?)
But yeah… friend of mine summarised it perfects:
if your hobby is printing, get a Bambu A1; if it’s printers, get something like an Ender
Correction: when they adopted you