If you are using an external screen see if wifi improves with it disconnected. This took me far too long to figure out…
If you are using an external screen see if wifi improves with it disconnected. This took me far too long to figure out…
From ye olde driving manual, when all cars were manual:
“Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then…”
Confirm the gear selector is in neutral by wiggling it rapidly left to right three times - three is the number - five is right out.
Thank Covid that surgical masks in public are a thing!
I don’t actually wear a mask shopping nowadays but some of those who have been around the sun many times do. Perhaps we should?
Yay technology!
iBeacon and Eddystone
<Replaces tin foil hat with Fedora>
Thanks for all this info - I feel less crazy now!
Some supermarkets are using digital price displays now. Can’t wait for the “adaptive pricing” like the personalised advertising in the film Minority Reports!
Here comes Bluetooth MAC address: DE:AD:BE:EF. He often pauses near the chocolate biscuits so likely buys some. Lets update the choc biscuit pricing removing the sale pricing as he’ll buy them at full price anyway…
Indeed! If Bluetooth is enabled on your device it will send beacon/polls and so be visible.
The recent “Find your offline devices” enhancement to Android’s Find My Device app has made me wonder if having Bluetooth off is even enough?
This is why I turn off Bluetooth before heading into the supermarket… <tips tin foil hat>
I now use Hyperion also - thanks!
Does your PC have Bluetooth? Definitely quick and sort of self hosted.