And that’s fair. I think, though, that they were pointing out that the violence in that case would be mob violence from the hypothetical revolution, not actually at the behest of an authoritarian ruler. The death penalty is not involved. They seemed to be arguing that, at some point, the measurable and visible harm a person or small number of people does or do to the world by their continued practices, combines with the risk of them using their power and influence to escape from justice should any real attempt be made to force them to reconcile with their crimes, and that this inability to enforce justice without death, combined with the inherent injustice of doing nothing, could be the fomenting factor for mob violence against such tyrants.
Oh, that was you? Good call, though I’d prefer to simultaneously splinch into a thousand fragments, each simultaneously teleporting into the carotids of each person with a warrant from the Hague, as well as the next 500 most-wealthy people, followed by the boards of any fossil fuel companies I can fit into the thousand. I don’t think it was specified that it was single-location or in-one-piece teleportation.