• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • As an older coder, I’ve spent time commercially programming in a lot of languages (C, C++, C#, Python, TransactSQL, Javascript, and a few more - with many years of experience in each. I even spent time squeezing some forth code into a small programmable chip.

    My first comment on this « attitude » expressed above is that you need to pick the language (and its libraries) that is best for your problem space - each will have advantages, including constructs and libraries to suit whatever domain you are working in. Hence forth for a microchip, TransactSQL for DB stored procs, python for general purpose command line work etc.

    Having said that I do want to present one viewpoint which could give rise to this above expressed opinion. It’s an area that C is considered pretty strong - specifically language complexity. When coding in C, I really felt like I knew every nook and cranny of the language, exactly how every structure would be packed, what the assembly would probably look like.

    Python (and perhaps C#) are currently my favorite languages - python only has 36 keywords and while I don’t have the same solid grasp of what’s happening under the hood, I do feel like there are very few surprises and corner cases to the language, even while supporting some complex programming methodologies.

    The opposite of this is (IMHO) swift. What started as a really nice language with a clean syntax and solid libraries has morphed into a monster with 232 keywords. Does any swift programmer have a solid grasp of it all?

    I would say that C++ is at the complicated end of the spectrum - spend some time inside Boost and their extreme use of templates/meta-programming and it will make your head spin. The Boost developers are super smart people, but its non-trivial to understand what is going on. Having said that, C++ does make you feel that you can code close to the machine and have a good handle on what is happening under the hood.

    This level of control is probably one place where this « only C and C++ code is any good » attitude came from. Its not an attitude I support.

  • If you did get a seriously large lump of cash… after a settling in period a lot of changes will happen, and you will be happy they did (IMHO).

    The reason is that one of the biggest gifts that wealth gives you is TIME. A lot of the day to day crap that the rest of us need to deal with just evaporates. No need to shop (there are people for that). Want to travel… people will organise everything. There will be no waiting in lines at airports, at restaurants, at government offices… there are people for that. Someone to clean, someone to pick up the kids (unless you want to of course), someone to cook, holidays on a fuck-off huge yacht with crew to manage everything, or just to zip to Paris for the weekend.

    You will probably really appreciate not having to deal with most of that crap. Also, while you probably don’t want a stupid large house, you do want privacy and so will want to get a house on 1000 acres in a gorgeous landscape (plus perhaps apartments in various cities that you like).

    Imagine moving from a food insecure lifestyle to a secure lifestyle where food, safety, housing is always there. Would you want to keep your old food-insecure lifestyle? No. Same with going from a food secure lifestyle to a time-and-resource abundant lifestyle.

  • I second the advice to switch to a different/previous/known good kernel. That has been the cause a most boot problems for me. I just had it happen on a VM a couple of weeks ago, so I switched to the old kernel, then removed the new kernel. I’ll wait for another kernel before upgrading.

    It’s probably worth scanning your disk just in case as well.

  • Damn… I feel for you. It sounds like you are in a tough spot. There’s lots of good advice on this page, and the one thing I will add is to protect and keep working on your relationship. Money is the core component of many (or was it most?) relationship problems.

    You can get through it, but (IMHO) you need your wife right there with you (or at least, I did). We were doing ok until I tried to start a business and dropped my 9-5 job. Revenue was slim, and then at one point I earned nothing for 6 months. We were on the bones of our arse - living off a meagre kindergarten teacher’s wage paying rent and food. Without my wife, we would have drowned. She did amazing things in budgeting down to the last penny, no luxuries, riding everywhere, spending time together. It was hard and there was no end in sight for a long time. We were very lucky and things turned around. But I would have not managed it without her (and her incredible budgets).

    It sound like you have been deep in it for longer than we were, and I wish you all the best in working your way out.

  • The lists are quite similar with a slight reordering in the top 7 or 8. I guess both lists are a representative sample of developers… But there is one interesting difference:

    IEEE: Python, Java, C++, C, JS, SQL, Go TIOBE: Python, C, C++, Java, C#, JS, VB (!), SQL

    In IEEE, VB is way way down the list. Do IEEE members use VB less?

    I’m always amazed that C still scores so high, but I’ve been told there is a lot of embedded work still going on.

  • I haven’t finished the article yet - but it was making some interesting points about people in the Donbas region wanting to join Russia, and that fighters there were locals, and not (as we have been told) itinerant Russians.

    That was different to what I have heard before, and he pointed to the referendum in 2022 that shows that 87% of Donbas support annexation to Russia. However… that referendum was taken after the invasion and so needs to be considered possibly suspect. Link

    Maybe a better source for a referendum was from before the initial 2014 annexation of Crimea and the accelerated fighting in Donbas from then. The only one I can find dates to 1991 - and it strongly shows a desire for independence, even in Donbas where it was over 80%. Link. Interestingly lowest support for independence was Crimea at 50-60%. Overall the country was 92% for with 84% turnout. That’s a pretty strong result, although a little old.