• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • AOL - ISP. Not sure order of operations here… I was also on Mozilla/Netscape (1991/92-?)

    Bulletin Board Channels: There was at least one gay one in San Diego (ca. 1992-1995). We would chat and post online, then once a month, meet at a gay bar with name tags with our handles.

    IRC - fun chat site (at least into 1997 for me)

    LISTSERV - this was less useful for me. signing up for ‘reading lists’ or ‘subscriptions’ to ‘butterflies’ ‘sourdough’, etc. (I honestly do not recall the groups I signed on to) when no one really seemed to be there (1992-94?) though I didn’t move with the hip crowd

  • My mother.

    She was returning something on a slow night at Best Buy.

    We did not make it past the tween greeter at the front door before she unleashed!

    Mom went off. The way she was talking, you would think he, personally, did something to harm her. This kid was standing there, shrinking away, with what looked like his girlfriend standing next to him. He was a door greeter, had no control or decisive role in any way.

    Of course, she called a manager.

    I feel real bad for that kid but love embarrassing my mother by recounting that true tale to others.