If a business can’t function when a single employee goes off on leave then it doesn’t deserve to survive. Survival of the fittest, innit?
If a business can’t function when a single employee goes off on leave then it doesn’t deserve to survive. Survival of the fittest, innit?
Obligatory Father Ted reference: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=uoT88hRmpnE / https://youtu.be/uoT88hRmpnE
Meth. Not even once.
Not one single government cares so much about it tho.
Way to generalise, bro. There are some low lying island states that are going to disappear under the rising sea levels. I think they are taking it pretty seriously.
Don’t bullshit please.
I feel you, but you need to remember that the world is generally a pretty chaotic place and predicting the future when complex systems pass tipping points and transition to new equilibria (as they are at the moment) is pretty difficult.
Invest in yourself, your ability to cope with new and unfamiliar things, and build resilience. Resilience being the ability to bounce forward when you hit rocky patches. Don’t expect to bounce back and end up where you left off, but learn to adjust to the chaos where you need to.
Develop your capabilities until you have a sense of being a competent, worthwhile and dependable person outside of the circus going on around us. Someone that isn’t quite so dependent on the big bad system we are often forced to be part of.
Surely small Government means repealing all that red tape enforcing individual property rights too?
Can’t we make a society people want to live and procreate in instead of slapping a sticking plaster on a civilisation that doesn’t want to go on anymore?
That’s not microdosing. That’s macrodosing.
Is this what an out of control madman looks like?
Your brain is constantly processing the inputs from all of your senses and pretty much ignoring them if they fit with what it is already expecting.
Your brain is lazy. If everything seems to fit with what your brain expects then you believe that what you are seing is reality and you generally ignore it.
Generally the mind only focuses on what it believes is salient/interesting/unexpected.
I was gonna ask if they asked Trump to decide the headline.
Well, it depends where you want to stick it, doesn’t it?
I heard child labour was legal in the US again? Or is this not in Arizona?
You read all of the news?
And I thought satire was dead.
Joke’s on you, my mother was completely unforgiving.
Yeah, but propelling them out of the solar system just sounds like the kind of fake-ending that ends up with the super villain coming back stronger in a decade. Have we learnt nothing from science fiction? You have to destroy your foes whilst you can.
Personal censorship has been around for a long time. People have always avoided saying things that others might view as weird or repulsive.
The true change is that everyday conversation is more monitored now than it ever has been before.
We have let insipidly authoritarian technology into our lives in an intimate way.
Have you ever visited the real world?