Hopefully, I’m not breaking any rules by posting this here!

I thought that instead of every community being on the main lemmy.ml instance I’d host a different (dedicated) instance for refugee rustaceans to get a hang of the fediverse.

It’s listed on join-lemmy/instances and the link is lemmyrs.org, everyone is welcome!

  • @teri@discuss.tchncs.de
    41 year ago

    Cool! I just don’t get yet how I can subscribe to federated channels. Sometimes I find them in the search, sometimes not. This one does not show up. I tried searching for !rustlang@lemmyrs.org - no result. Any ideas?

    • lemmyrsOP
      51 year ago

      Yeah, I know folks are struggling to find the communities on other instances. I posted https://lemmyrs.org/comment/3900 if it helps. Basically you start your search with the full URL, wait a second and then switch back to text search and it pops up magically.

      The UX certainly needs some polish, but we’ll get there :)