Hello, I’m currently trying to set up an email server with the help of emailwiz, but I’m encountering issues with OpenDKIM not being able to access key files.

Permissions of the key folder (in /etc/postfix/dkim/):

drw-r----- 2 opendkim opendkim 4096 Jul 30 19:45 magmaus3.eu.org

Key permissions:

-rw-r----- 1 opendkim opendkim 1679 Jul 30 19:45 mail.private
-rw-r----- 1 opendkim opendkim  505 Jul 30 19:45 mail.txt

And when trying to open the files as opendkim, I get Permission denied errors.

  • adRn-s
    111 months ago

    Maybe you can compare to what mailcow or docker-mailserver provide to their users.