With just a click, this bookmarklet will redirect you to a foreign community on your native Lemmy instance
It brings your favourite lemmy back home!
If you don’t know what it is, it’s a bookmark that runs a small piece of code that works in all desktop or even mobile browsers
var url = new URL(document.URL);
var baseURL = url.hostname;
var pathname = url.pathname;
window.location.href="https://sopuli.xyz/" + pathname + "@" + baseURL;
- Copy the code, replace “https://sopuli.xyz/” in the code to URL of your native instance (for example to “https://lemmy.ca/”)
- Create a new bookmark, paste the code from previous step into URL field
- Go to a non native lemmy community
- Click the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar to activate it.
Is this running as userscript in tempermonkey?
No, it’s not. What you have to do is put the block of Javascript on the post into a bookmark on your browser. I suppose one could also make a TamperMonkey-userscript out of this, but this is not that.