Not saying that our mods here aren’t doing a great job! Just the opposite! I think they are doing a phenomenal job! However, as users we should keep an eye on the logs to make sure power is kept in check. You can always view the modlog at the bottom of your browser window!

    1 year ago

    If someone posted stuff that really should be removed forever without any way of seeing or recovering it (like illegal stuff, especially CP), could it be done? I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a permanent backlog of stuff that was meant to be deleted. I understand concerns around transparency, but some stuff really should not be accessible.

    • @Ludrol
      1 year ago

      I am and mod and admin in a and you can as a mod hide a comment to say “deleted by a mod” and as an admin delete comment from the database clicking “purge” button

      Idk how that works releted to federation of purged content