I wonder how long do them work every day? In Europe, worker just need to work less than 8 hours, and just less than 5 days per week. Do they know the workers in China need to work more than 6 days per week, and more than 9 hours per day in China?

  • @RainbowdayOPM
    2 years ago

    What about Porland. I used to think there is a good place for workers. I think it is a beautiful country. It fighted against Nazi and Soveit Russia, a very cool country.

    • harc
      42 years ago

      Yeah, also poor and very exploitative towards workers, which is probably the main reason for over 2 million emigrates and a negative population growth. Right wingers are literally killing this country.

    • @borys
      12 years ago

      Mate, you have no idea how fucked up Poland is to live in. Most people dont have any savings to speak of, often they need quick loans to get by to the end of the month, workers rights are being striped away, like 50% of people below 30 are working on short term civil contracts that are not protected by labour laws. Even if you are in the middle class, a health emergency might drain most of your savings becuase you will most likley need to use the expensive privet healthcare, because the waitlists in the public ones are so long