Why YSK: Online platforms, particularly some very prominent offenders, may artificially spike prices before creating “discounts”. Whether this is intentional or the result of third party sellers fighting amongst themselves, I cannot say. Either way, don’t blindly purchase something because of a deal (camelcamelcamel is great to see price history if you just care about Amazon). Besides, if your sole motivation to purchase something is based on a discount, you might be better off cutting consumption instead.

Source: I run fetchnotifs. While checking the logs this morning, I was scared to death I deployed a bug to production—Nope, it’s just that day of the year.

  • McBinary
    1 year ago

    There were genuinely some good deals on Amazon yesterday though. I ended up buying a newer kindle for myself because it was the lowest price since last November according to camelcamelcamel.

    • @cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me
      1 year ago

      Yeah, new Kindle Paperwhite for ~60€ (trade in 20€ + trade-in 20% + Kid version on sale for 99€) was nice. Good upgrade for my 9-year-old Paperwhite with more DPI, a slightly bigger screen and a fresh battery ;) And of course, there was also the 15€ coupon for uploading one photo to Amazon Images

      ETA: The Kids version is exactly like the normal version, just without ads for 15€ less ;)

      edit2: removed weird unrelated quote that somehow made it in.