For the first time in my life, I find myself writting in my head a list of goals I want to achieve next year. Some are mundane, some are harder to achieve. I thought about sharing that list here.

Please consider sharing yours as well. Consider it like sharing ideas, something to push others in to thinking about small things they can do as well just because they can.

Now, without further ado:

The List

  • survive

A reminder from j4k3. Should always be a priority.

  • renew my entire fleet of hand tools and, if money allows it, some power tools

I have lot of maintenance chores, renovations and improvements to do around the house and my current tool stock is essentially shot, so…

  • start making furniture for my house

Have you seen the price furniture goes for these days? I have a carpentry shop nearby willing to look at my doodles and work out the details with me and make the rough cutting of the big pieces that require precision tools for it. I’ll have to take care of the rest.

  • put together a cook book with my partner

This just came to me/us the other day.

Throughout this year, we shared with a good number of people food from our table. We are not foodies nor trained chefs, we just enjoy having good, tasty, healthy food. Many people told us they could never make what we cook daily and a few even told us we should open a place of our own. Because we’re not that insane yet, the book will do.

No publishing intention: it will be about putting together a collection of recipes anyone can follow and share it. All inclusive.

  • paint the freaking walls

  • finish that computer tech course

I’ve been playing with computers for twenty+ years. Now I want my know-how recognized. And on this I have money tied and a deadline!

  • write my own first book (romance, with raunchy bits)

Or should I say just put it together? I write my fantasies basically since I was taught to put letters together to form words. My biggest flaw is that I’m my worst critic and I drop draft after draft. Well… it needs to end.

  • work with my dogs

I have two, very over reactive dogs. Of the big kind, that are constantly fighting each other for no reason. I need to do something to counter this.

  • get back on working on my plot of land

That place is a fire hazard and I want to start growing my own food again.

  • read more books

As an added incentive to culture and reading habits: support an online ebook repository, download and keep offline copies of as many books you can manage. Culture is the worst enemy of bigotry and ignorance.

  • Ludrol
    2 months ago

    The List is always a subject to change:

    • Change a job
    • Go on a date
    • Grow spiritually and go back closer to God
    • Go back to university to learn something that I actually enjoy (Programming) + move to another town

    My life is divided by relese sheadule of anime seasons.

    As fall 2024 is ending and winter 2025 is beginning, I want to set myself a theme so I can grow in a particular direction in the next 3 months.

    I am not really sure right now what should I prioritise as all those things are important.

    I am currently working in a trash job with trash money on a non-existing contract. I long for a touch of another human being. I feel empty without God and the uncertanity of supporting myself during studies is making me anxious.

    All those things I have sacraficed maitainance on, so I could work on more fundamental problems. And now as I have mostly solved the problem that caused to dropout of Uni twice, I don’t know what to work towards for the next 3 months.