It’s ugly and load times last around 40 seconds.
EDIT: Le boss annonce qu’ils corrigeront les problèmes via update. J’y crois pas une seconde, mais ça été dit.
It’s ugly and load times last around 40 seconds.
EDIT: Le boss annonce qu’ils corrigeront les problèmes via update. J’y crois pas une seconde, mais ça été dit.
Around 100 million Switches were sold before the Deck even released, so I’m not entirely sure about your question, let alone the exclusive IPs not available on the Deck at all
Half of them run better on an emulator on the deck than native on the switch.
Having being in the emulator development scene, you have no idea how much you are wrong. “120 fps with glitches” is not “first class”. ;)
I’ve played plenty of them on both. I’m not talking about increasing the target frame rate. I’m talking about not having frequent heavy drops like the switch does.
Not every switch game runs poorly.
Where did I say they did?
I said the steam deck runs some better.
You didn’t, I’m just saying that since there are many great switch games that run just fine it’s not quite a hard pro and con situation where the switch experience is always so poor that it’d make the Deck a sheer upgrade worth the money.
Just depends on how much you value that performance, I’m able to get used to 30 FPS pretty decently, so the Switch is much better for me at the price point and ease of use, but I know there’s definitely a contingent of players who really value performance and your comment comes into play for them.
Not everybody has the know-how or inclination to pirate content.
Emulation isn’t piracy.
Jolly Roger isn’t a pirate flag. But somehow we just know.
The keys file to make the games work as well as the roms themselves are though unless you are dumping everything from your personal collection. In which case, you’d need a modded switch.
Your comment much like others is about people who have bought a switch before SD was released. Now go ahead and read my question and read it again since reading it once does not seem to work in your case.