It’s ugly and load times last around 40 seconds.
EDIT: Le boss annonce qu’ils corrigeront les problèmes via update. J’y crois pas une seconde, mais ça été dit.
Wow, that’s bad.
I could live with ugly, but long loading times and worst of all bad performance is not that great for a fighting game.
40 second load times are pretty dreadful in a genre that by design has a lot of them.
It’s dreadful period. But yes, especially here.
Can’t believe people expected MK1 to play well on the switch
I actually wonder what’s worse? Releasing a game knowing it’ll flop or not releasing it at all?
Because I’m pretty sure Cyberpunk on PS4, while crazy inferior and got horrible performance reviews, still made a hella lot of money and didnt affect the other platform’s or it’s reviews.
I’m confused. What is Mortal Kombat 1? I played the first Mortal Kombat on a Sega Genesis in the 90s. Did this just randomly start counting back at 1 again for no good reason?
they reset the mk universe, >!Liu Kang becomes a God in mk11 and creates a new universe with all the characters we are familiar with (I am oversimplfying it).!< this game serves as a reboot to the franchise (again).
Should have canceled it and waited for successor next year…like what Avalanche is doing with hogwarts legacy
Damn, at least they should have delayed this game for optimizations and such.
I guess they want to make money quickly
Why would anyone buy a switch when steam deck exists.
Edit: what I got from the comments
- a lot of butt hurt switch owners lmao
- a lot of people telling me about people who have bought switch before SD came out like that somehow answers my question
- switch is cheaper
That’s such a good question, maybe everyone is dumb, isn’t it?
As a serious answer: Not the same price, not the same games.
Steam Deck is awesome thought.
I agree about the Nintendo exclusive games, but the price is about the same. 320 US dollars gets you a refurbished 64 GB steam deck, which is basically the same price as the standard Switch and even cheaper than the OLED model. Not to mention all the great sales and cheap keys you can get
Edit: I do own both, I’ve had a switch since launch day, so I recognize the power that the first party exclusives have. I certainly don’t hate on the switch by any means
I don’t know, ask the orders of magnitude more people that have a Switch because it’s:
- Cheaper
- More portable
- Easier to run games on for the average user
- Has Nintendo games
- Lasts longer on battery
- Already own a switch because its been out for much longer than the steam deck
I obviously did lmao
Thr thing that is 3 times as expensive and not available in my country? Yeah man i don’t know, idiots probably
If something is not available in your country then obviously the question does not relate to you does it? It’s a simple question for the people who have the choice. You never did so you can shut up and let the people who might have made the choice answer the question.
Dude, lol, you asked why and he gave you and answer. You’re a fucking child
“Why did you provide a perfectly logical answer to my argument I made to try to seem superior to Switch owners?”
WhY wOulD aNyOnE bUy A sTeAm DeCk WhEn LaPtOpS eXiSt.
Well for one, you can hold a deck, but I understand this is facetious. I’d argue most people who would get a switch over a deck “just want it to work”. Which is fair. Anyone with some tech skills though would understand a deck can be a switch with the right tools.
Around 100 million Switches were sold before the Deck even released, so I’m not entirely sure about your question, let alone the exclusive IPs not available on the Deck at all
Half of them run better on an emulator on the deck than native on the switch.
Having being in the emulator development scene, you have no idea how much you are wrong. “120 fps with glitches” is not “first class”. ;)
I’ve played plenty of them on both. I’m not talking about increasing the target frame rate. I’m talking about not having frequent heavy drops like the switch does.
Not every switch game runs poorly.
Where did I say they did?
I said the steam deck runs some better.
You didn’t, I’m just saying that since there are many great switch games that run just fine it’s not quite a hard pro and con situation where the switch experience is always so poor that it’d make the Deck a sheer upgrade worth the money.
Just depends on how much you value that performance, I’m able to get used to 30 FPS pretty decently, so the Switch is much better for me at the price point and ease of use, but I know there’s definitely a contingent of players who really value performance and your comment comes into play for them.
Not everybody has the know-how or inclination to pirate content.
Emulation isn’t piracy.
Jolly Roger isn’t a pirate flag. But somehow we just know.
The keys file to make the games work as well as the roms themselves are though unless you are dumping everything from your personal collection. In which case, you’d need a modded switch.
Your comment much like others is about people who have bought a switch before SD was released. Now go ahead and read my question and read it again since reading it once does not seem to work in your case.
Realistically. In Australia last time I checked I could buy a switch, throw it in the bin, buy another one and throw it in the bin and then buy a 3rd one and 4 games before it added up to what retailers were asking for steam decks here.
Because it plays games and fits their budget.
We have both. Kids play on the Switch, parents play on the Deck. Also, Switch is a great, hassle free, family friendly, small & light, cheap and versatile gaming console. Deck is awesome and let’s not forget Windows free, it’s a god send (thank you Valve). I think they are both great, and while there’s overlap of course, they also aim at different markets.
People owned switch before steam deck came out
Learn to read before commenting mate. I’m asking why would someone buy a switch when SD exists. People who have bought a switch before it came out are obviously outside of the group I just described aren’t they?
Maybe you need to take a break from the internet?
I don’t take life advice from people who get mad about 4 words lol
Is it passed hour bedtime or something? Do your parents not monitor what you’re saying online?
Says the guy who comments like 5 times for a simple opinion. Says the guy who buys a switch. A device literally targeted for kids. Bruh you cannot make this shit up.
I don’t own a switch
People don’t necessarily need that kind of RRRRAW POWERRRR when playing video games, especially on the go. You’re asking people to carry around a chainsaw when a pen knife will do the job.
I still go back to older consoles/handhelds because of some of their libraries, and, judging from releases, publishers do, too
high fidelity doesn’t equal pretty graphics; it’s just a chosen art style. the problem surrounding all this MK switch stuff is they had to compromise on their art style, and make it much much less cohesive with the original intent, to get it to run on the system. An MK designed with the switch as a high priority would be a very different-looking game
given that, 3/10 is still a meme score meant to drive traffic to their site
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