It’s ugly and load times last around 40 seconds.
EDIT: Le boss annonce qu’ils corrigeront les problèmes via update. J’y crois pas une seconde, mais ça été dit.
It’s ugly and load times last around 40 seconds.
EDIT: Le boss annonce qu’ils corrigeront les problèmes via update. J’y crois pas une seconde, mais ça été dit.
Can’t believe people expected MK1 to play well on the switch
I actually wonder what’s worse? Releasing a game knowing it’ll flop or not releasing it at all?
Because I’m pretty sure Cyberpunk on PS4, while crazy inferior and got horrible performance reviews, still made a hella lot of money and didnt affect the other platform’s or it’s reviews.
I’m confused. What is Mortal Kombat 1? I played the first Mortal Kombat on a Sega Genesis in the 90s. Did this just randomly start counting back at 1 again for no good reason?
they reset the mk universe, >!Liu Kang becomes a God in mk11 and creates a new universe with all the characters we are familiar with (I am oversimplfying it).!< this game serves as a reboot to the franchise (again).