Gotta help your friends get their long awaited lung cancer
Anything to make healthcare cheaper
Smoking causes slow, lifelong issues that will actually lead them to be in and out of the hospital regularly before they die unfortunately…
If they get Stage 4 cancer then they wouldn’t be in the hospital for long
Well you don’t get stage four cancer, it’s not like you can develop “Ultra Instinct Cancer” or anything. You just let it go unnoticed and then when you find it it’s at S4.
That’s what we need to hope for, which tends to happen since most people don’t like to go to the doctor to hear only “bad news.”
That’s why I carry a pocket knife. I don’t stab people, but I have it in case someone else would like to.
We need more upstanding citizens like you in this world.
It’s so embarrassing if you threaten someone at knife point, did the whole “your wallet or your life” spiel and then figure out that you actually don’t have your knife with you.
I don’t smoke, I just like melting things
Lit 💯 🔥🔥🔥
PS: You can own the sun, btw. Just go somewhere where someone sells ownership for stars, and buy the sun then :)
Best summary of NFTs I’ve seen
Summary of the concept of ownership in general tbh
New sci-fi story idea: a galactic war is fought over one of those fake deeds
It’s a plot point in the Three Body Problem series :)
So a coworker at one point was selling this interesting odds and ends offered me a knife with a lighter on the other side. I did need a knife to open things but I had no real use for a lighter as I don’t smoke but I of course bought it anyway because it was cool. Had this little dial to adjust the size of the flame… Fast forward to later that night bending over with a 6 inch flame coming out of my pocket from the end sticking out.
Nah, screw that. I want no part in someones’ ill health and probably littering habits too
I don’t smoke and don’t carry matches or a lighter but have long hair (male) and regularly get asked for a sig and I say I don’t smoke and I get this mean bullshit eye from these strangers.
I did this when I was single.
I’m only having one for my intrusive thoughts.
Click click click click
Me pulping a radio dj’s head in New Mexico in the '50s so I can read a creepy poem on the mic
I carried a lighter for a while. It worked fine when I put it in my pocket, but the first time I whipped it out for someone it didn’t work at all. They say that that happens to lots of guys but I haven’t carried a lighter since that day.
Also it’s pretty useful as a bottle opener if there isn’t a corner or another bottle around.
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You are just eliminating the concurrence
Thank you